Hahahaha!!!! I like this.
Hahahaha!!!! I like this.
Thanks Sean. I have experienced sexual assault and I just feel for her SO much. Her warmth in such a shiiittttttttty situation is really giving me hope in this weird way.
As someone who gave up gluten, and then decided to give up carbs and starchy vegetables - I still feel this weird high but finally feel “normal”.
Trolls who can’t use a computer, might be the worst trolls, because you can hear their chicken shit voices.
I am listening to it while trying to work and have a box of Kleenex between the callers and just the shaming, and the doubt and all this shit!
Thank you sooo fucking much.
Their ignorance is giving me so much anxiety!!
I hope no one is watching on CSPAN because the people calling in voicing their opinion is fucking horrendous.
I want them to be married forever. :(
This article is great - thank you!
Double D’s in our house.
Diplomat’s Son is one of my favorite songs by them. I am a closet fan as well.
Saved! is suuuuuuuuch a good movie!!!
I know...
I agree... have Billy work on the music for it.
I literally can only imagine some teenage boy after fingering some girl making the dudes smell his hand. Its horrible.
MasterChef Junior is just fucking phenomenal. What those kids can do, and their PURE ENJOYMENT of being there and cooking - it gives me chills.
Kid cooking shows - YES
I came across a photo where I had a curly bowl cut, and I didn’t hate it. I was also 50 pounds lighter and it was kind of cute.
I started watching and got the same ESSM vibes, but then stopped because I couldn’t slag on. It just kind of dreadful in this weird way.