Yes, I could do without the scrawny Ethan Hawk facial hair!!!!
Yes, I could do without the scrawny Ethan Hawk facial hair!!!!
You’re evil.
Bathamm DAYUM
I sincerely could get all sorts of creepy imagining him in a bat suit. I’d watch only for the dick outline.
Creepy or caring - I don’t think Bieber’s own parents have his best interest, so its kind of nice at least his manager does.
Agreed - I feel icky reading the article to the end after seeing where it was going.
I look half sleeeeeepy!!!!!
10000% Thank you for sharing this!!!! I think times are so dark right now that anything could feel apocalyptic.
Ugh I liked Salem’s fakeness... it added to the cheesy humor in the most late 90's way possible.
Old Jordan Schlansky bits stilllllll hurt my insides from laughing.
But why is RiRi dressed like someone’s auntie on a cruise?
I feel like her makeup never looks good - she is naturally pretty.
I was trying to pin point ONE movie that she drives me nuts in, but unfortunately she has a tiny part in every movie ever made.
Oooo soo true. I don’t like her as an actress much either. I would also be sooo horrified if one of my friends was crying for me on TV. CRINGE WORTHY.
I can never go back... LOL!!!!
I don’t know how to word this... but I just read this Vice article on the people being slaughtered in the Congo (still) - but in so many countries the “purge” and end of the world situations (all their people being wiped out) is happening on a daily basis.