
All valid points, but I am still going to root for them - mostly because its definitely a step up for HIM. She is just perfection. 

Tummy. I decided by reciting these two sentences:

Mmmmmmmmmmmm I didn’t think of it that way!! I know what I am looking up on my train ride home!!! 

I’d buy them. 

I am not really sure I was asking for straight up legal advice. I was asking if anyone had been through something similar or if there is anyway of finding it out. Do you really think I didn’t look on Google first? I wasn’t looking for internet sympathy - I was looking for some kind of “HEY I WENT THROUGH SOMETHING

I mean you are reading ALL of our minds. 

Like WAY too seriously. I couldn’t keep that act up that long AT ALL. 

Yeah I don’t even want to get into the “she should of, could of and I would of’s” because we will get pummeled and labeled anti woman (I am a woman).

thank you BTW!!

Ugh, I didn’t even want to open this article and now here I am trying to talk common sense into an AV troll.

I mean who knows who was doing the investigation!! 

Canned goods > squares of toilet paper > cotton tshirts > cotton balls > death

Totally - I used the Chinese ones, or Nopalina.

Agreed - I also NEVER talk to them. Like we do not have a relationship outside of us worrying about her... which is one sided (its usually my mom and I).

Yeah its kind of crazy - I hadn’t even thought about this stuff in forever until this article. We also called it “ass blow” - it did exact that. 


Its completely fucked up - I put myself through a lot of starving, throwing up and binge-y behavior (I was never skinny) and I can’t imagine what these girls now and days are even going through. Skinny everything is every other scroll on my Instagram.

I dunno if things are hot and heated, as a woman, if I wanted to have sex and he said “Lemme grab a condom” I’d be okay with it.

If it was a peck on the lips and he asked to grab a condom - I’d be like WTF??? But if I am making out with a guy, and you know hands are moving whatever - I’d think a condom would be a smart move.