

I told my manager I may go to HR. He supported it - but nothing will happen. 


In high school I worked at the hair stand in the mall that sold clip in pony tails... but they looked SO obviously fake. I still may give the draw string pony a shot. 

This is about 70% of their clothes. 

YES - I want to like them because I love the idea of looking modern, but a lot of the clothes lack structure and yeah see through!!!!

I just read my own sentence and cringed - I am EXTREMELY tired today. Excuse my terrible grammar. 

He is “manager level” in sales so I am positive he thinks he is above everyone in general. I have no doubts this applies to him.

I so desperately want modern modern clothes as a size 16, but I am scared of buying and being disappointed. 

Shit, ASOS too!!!

I can NEVER get that to work even on my own hair. Its a bust.

I also have this issue, if it doesn’t look good on the model - there is no way in hell it will look good on me. 

Yeah I know some women here like their stuff, plus wise, but I find it to be ill fitting. Some examples:
This is a sack -

I just don’t know how you disguise the fakeness of it... I can’t wear a god damn scrunchie to work!!! LOL. 

My husband just bought a 2006 Toyota Avalon with this same exact mindset. He only drives to get pizza or to the train station - otherwise we all drive in my Highlander. 

My dad died a year before he was supposed to retire - I second this. 

Southern Illinois is terrifyingly weird.

This has to be my supervisor, who told me today “I DON’T CARE IF YOU LIKE ME, I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE” - because I told her I did like her but she wasn’t helpful when it came to projects. 

My cousin’s husband constantly disses millennials and we were born in 82-85. It drive me nuts. 

Toss up between my first ever boss, who fired me because I walked to get his lunch - instead of cabbing (it was a 10 minute walk) and the Dunkin Donuts franchise boss that made me boss around his mentally impaired / homeless street coupon employees for $9.00 an hour (my marketing degree never forgave me).