
Call me when they start making “Fear Street” movies... it seems its hit a “dead” end:

Yes, she took that dog with her - but left an older dog behind with a friend.

YES! I am actually exhausted from hearing about U.S because I feel like their clothes are ill fitting for plus women. 

I am that crazy person who would probably charter a boat or something to move him over. 

I am happy they got another dog, but also sad for the dog she left behind because he was “too old to travel” and its hard to get approval to get your pet into the UK (she’s the Duchess, really!!).

This was the most bizarre thing I have ever read in my life... why isn’t he in jail!?! 

Wait, can white women buy this!?!? I want a pony like that.

Same with my cousins older daughter - she is 11 and needs help getting dressed... there is nothing wrong with her.

Its never from an UGLY place which I like. I have friends that are snarky... and you know its coming from a REAL ugly place.

Hahaha!! I wouldn’t want anyone to witness the torture!!

It is already there!! I told her, I don’t know how I can make it any more “side pony” and then I had to deal with a tantrum........................ 

My 3 year old literally fought me this morning because her “side pony wasn’t side pony enough”.

Waaaaaaaait whats a draw string pony?!?

I remember my nieces watching it - it was a really cute show.

Can we talk about how Drake slid out of that fight sooo fast. 

Yes even on her snarkiest days - she is a treasure!!!

I really enjoy her myself. She was always a star to me. 

As someone who works for a very large law firm - even good companies do shitty things and hire attorneys...

Spot on.

I am confused, if she “didn’t sleep with him” then why did her and Anthony have a PI following the guy around???