Like... now I know why people really need trigger warnings.
I have two little girls and it puts me in a severe panic thinking about it.
I’d be full blown lesbian for this butter... and deli cheese... and dairy creamer.
Coconut pie all day!!!!
I also use it on skin - my babies butts never once had diaper rash!!
It’s pretty common in Europe to eat a slice of bread, topped with cheese and some butter.
This makes me want to cry.
THEY HAVE A ROBO DOG. I am like uhhhhhhh you have like 10 other dogs that do shit, why do you need a ROBO dog?!!
I just wanna say “PEPPA FOR LIIIIIIIIIFE”.
I also just asked this. My kid is almost 3 and has been able to put a coat on normally since she was 2. I don’t know why, but it feels weird that people can’t just slide one arm in, and then the other arm.
This brings up a couple questions I wanna ask everybody:
They really predicted this over there!!
I only came to complain that Versace makes clothes for very fat men, but not for us thick girls.
His voice is okay. I also dig the greaser hair ;)