I want all the shirts in these gifs.
Totally -
Nicki Minaj just said on her Insta that Target sold out of her CD in the store... in my head I was like “who the hell is still buying CDs”?!? Are people actually listening to CDs still?!
Its seriously so upsetting. I want to ugly cry even thinking this could happen to any woman.
AGREED!!! I have no idea why you are grey!!! I just got out of the greys not too long ago... but find I am still greyed a lot at random.
The video says: The Simpsons : Simpsons Roasting On an Open Fire
I need him to plow a bad guy off a mountain. That is all I am asking for.
Mmmmm we don’t have Jack in the Box. :( They do have the best poppers!!!
Haha!!! The chip bag is also an emergency barf bag.
I KNOW!!! I am a big McDonalds person so this made me feel less bad about my once a week habit. I am sure my arteries don’t have the same enthusiasm...
Go inside and grab fist fulls at the condiments counter... mine was doing the same thing and I was like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm DON’T DENY ME MY SAUCES!!!
I am so happy everyone is a Taco Bell stan around here. This is where I truly belong.
AH I am a Chipotle > McDonalds > Taco Bell > Wendy’s > BK
Chipotle cleaaaaaaaanse baby!
I’d hump it?