I’m a little shocked Rahm didn't go full Daley and tear those letters down in the middle of the night
I’m a little shocked Rahm didn't go full Daley and tear those letters down in the middle of the night
THANK YOU. Fellow 6'1" blonde here and I was relentlessly bullied during high school. I’m sure right now, from the outside, I look conventionally attractive and that people would side-eye me saying that I was bullied, but high school was fucking horrible because people were constantly badgering me about my height.…
I totally have those Spotify "best of" type playlists played out. Just give me that good nostalgic shit and leave me alone lol.
Yeah I binge drank with other poor/middle class kids in high school and college. A few rich kids here and there but the vast majority of us were poor and middle class for sure.
Well in Wisconsin I don’t think binge drinking is restricted by economic class. When I was in high school on Friday you either worked, hung out in the McDonald’s parking lot or drank at someones house or in a corn field. Sometimes there were parents who let parties go on in their barn but didn’t let anyone leave until…
Yep, I was 5'10" by the time I was 14 and it’s a pain in the ass to be a tall girl. It’s hard to dress because your legs, arms, and torso are too long, your shoulders are too broad, and lord help you if you’re also carrying a bit of extra weight. Not to mention the joy of having feet too big for the “cute” shoes.
Thank you. Tall girl checking in. Junior high and high school were hell.
Yes, if you’re over 6 foot (or even near it) and female you hear shit about it ALL THE TIME. This isn’t some contrived scenario for a teen rom-com.
I’m confused. Being over 6 foot as a girl is something that people are super self conscious about, because they are treated differently both romantically and by their peers. Even attractive women over 6'0 are often crippled with self consciousness. Many men want nothing to do with dating them, there’s a lifetime of…
Chicago has two well-known winter dick moves:
If my father outlives my mother, this is going to be him and it’s something I’m already low-key worrying about. Sending you good wishes!
Of course, being Hispanic doesn’t preclude her from being black, and her dad is of Venezuelan descent so you weren’t necessarily wrong, although I don’t think she identifies as such.
Have you tried Cheese brats?
Oh, hon. The moment ODB said “yooooo New York in the house” that’s when I, then a young girl, knew this wasn’t the sweet, gospel singing Mariah no mores. And don’t get me started on them Daisy Dukes (that informed another part of me).
Getting someone to eat their veggies is hard, and sometimes you have to cover them in bacon, cheese, or ranch to make them eat it. Sure, it’s detracting from the overall healthiness of the veggie, but cheesy broccoli is still better for you than than no broccoli.
This is honestly a cultural thing. My dad who is only a little younger is the same way. In her lifetime meat and cheese became much more affordable than they used to be and the brain is wired to treat salt and fat like crack, like your ancient monkey brain is like “Wow i cant believe my luck! I’d better eat as much of…
Ha ha - same - nobody’s analyzing what it means that my ancestry apparently contains top-heavy people with red hair and no lips
Hold up, did you completely miss Daydream? I joke with my brother how Fantasy was when Mariah stopped playing games and made it known she was black. Especially the remix.
The Republican Party, presumably. To run as a Republican (or Democrat) you’ll need at least some party backing to have a chance. Unless you’ve been operating in deep cover for your entire political life, it seems likely they’d sniff out an imposter before you became the official candidate in a race.