
Wait! Horse? I thought we were just talkin bout the yayo? Shit just got real!

"Say hello to my little pitch! "

Kinda skipped over Sheer Heart Attack there. Possibly their career best. Brighton Rock FTW!

As a kid growing up in the 70s and 80s I was spoilt movie wise. I used to spend my summer holidays in the cinema. Star Wars, Star Trek, The Black Hole, Blade Runner, The Dark Crystal, Conan, Dune, Sword and the Sorcerer and Saturn 3 (talking of demonic robots. I sometimes would spend all day in the the cinema and

It's game changing in how it depicts violence and portrays an essentially existential worldview (that G.R.R Martin dude is one bitter guy)

Pity he was acting against such a plain actress. That scene could have been even more emotional.

I just want to see him singing and dancing to "Putting on the Ritz"

Ha ha! I totally thought Tim The Magician when I saw that too!

Given what she'd already done to Tyrion I think it's fair to assume she felt her life was in danger from him. I mean if I'd stood up in court and bullshitted enough to get a man sentenced to death I'd think he'd pretty much want to kill me if I ever came face to face with him.

"Look at my hair! I like the design."

My (sarcastic) prediction; Don will fake his suicide (leave his clothes and ID on the beach) and take on a new identity. He's done it once before…

Fantastic review. One of the best on A.V.

Was that a review or just a plot summary??

Hannibal as Villain Sue perhaps? I hope not…

"He's convinced me. Give me back my dollar!"

Varys and Littlefinger are the two key power players in Westeros. The question is what are their individual motives?

Although even she looked somewhat shocked when Tyrion played the TBC card.


You can't fool me! It's Ice Zombies all the way down!

He may look like an idiot but he sure knows how to eat chicken in an extremely menacing style!