
Or Bird at his zenith.

Mr. Dynamite!
I can thoroughly recommend RJ Smith's bio on Brown "The One".

James Brown circa 1968

Maybe they gathered the most stupid people on Earth they could find and convinced them that their destiny lay in seeding the galaxy for the benefit of all mankind (a la Restaurant at the End of The Universe). Viewed from this perspective it actually becomes pretty funny.

It doesn't get better than Lifeforce.

Because science, right!?


And also advertises German lager.

Back in the mid-eighties, to a AD & D playin', Zep/Sabbath/Rush listenin' young teen, Excalibur and Conan The Barbarian were seen as our gospel. Hell, we even made room for The Sword and The Sorcerer, Bakshi's Lord of The Rings and Hawk The Slayer. It was a simpler age.

You forgot to mention Led Zeppelin.

Hence the phrase, science-fantasy.

They have a Cave Troll!

Not sure if it's already been mentioned but the sequence when Blazkowicz is in the sanitarium is loaded with emotional impact. From the timelapse sequence while he's in bed (watch how the wallpaper gets covered in insane scribbling, and then be stripped and redecorated), to when the Nazi's arrive and summarily execute

I'm loving Taboo. I've been playing Dishonored 2 a lot recently so I'm in a very decaying-world/grotesque-caricature kind of place already. The bawdy party sequence was a wee bit hackneyed but still made me chuckle. Has anyone commented on the Batman similarities?


Pretty dumb plus the actual photography is pretty lame. Looks like an ebay photo.

Or ethnic dressing?

I used 'themselves' a few too many times there…

This may have been said already but the show is a complete metaphor for the United States of America. At the beginning we have Carter trying to educate the US populace that they need to look inside themselves to see why they themselves have created the predicament they find themselves and them rejecting Carter's

Zappa. My friend is always trying to get me hooked. 10 years later and I still can't see the fascination (same with Steely Dan)