
Very much related (maybe Kotaku will pick it up given it is Tencent):

Had he crossed at Blaine, WA the penalty would have been only financial.

I mean legality of the substance in question aside, misrepresenting what’s in your cargo at customs is still illegal, since different items are taxed at different rates. If it had been barrels of whiskey instead of springs, he still would have been charged.

What is this 2002?  Who is still importing pot?

At least the driver sprung back into action after he was released.

I’ve been wondering. I’m NOT a troll, and have peen replying semi-regularly on this site for at least two years. Yet, I’m still gray. Mostly, I just don’t bother commenting because said comment is rarely un-grayed. And I’M still gray all the time. It’s annoying and shrinks my interest in participation. I do more

It’s almost like they don’t actually care about the truth. Wait, that’s exactly what it is.

“...and their network routers with all traffic logs”.

Several years ago, I was purchasing around $250 worth of items from a Marshall’s with a personal check. I had done this many times before but it seemed to be taking along time for the clerk to process the transaction, a manager was called and they were looking at me all crazy. When I inquired what the problem was, the

It’s no coincidence that the states that rank in the bottom of vaccination also rank in the bottom of education and the highest in religiosity.

And that, kids, was the last thing JicagoChusticeExcession said before emptying the magazine of his 9mm into the side of the dumpster behind Subway and subsequently going to jail for a very long time.

Corporations don’t work. I was a part of corporation XYZ and all they cared about was the money. They did nothing for the employees.

Your personal experience with the UAW is not enough data to declare “unions don’t work.” In the US, unions are responsible for some of the most rapid gains in worker benefits and improved quality of life in US history.

Usually it’s because they’re asking questions that have been answered hundreds of times over and it’s obvious that they’re asking, not in search of knowledge, but to increase skepticism.

And for most of it’s history Earth was inhabited by complete pieces of shit who could never see beyond themselves and largely still is.

Question: Have you yourself been vaccinated? Greene: Your first question is a violation of my HIPAA rights

You are seeing once again the impossible position the GOP is putting itself in. It needs to simultaneously be anti-vax and pro-vaccination . It has to both cater to the most inane thought processes and to those who still have common sense. You can’t sustain these contradictions forever. You can’t resolve this

I will enthusiastically tell people I’m vaccinated. Anyone who behaves otherwise is a clown with a ham for a brain.

He also, under advisement from Louis Gohmert, wants Peter Pan and Tinkerbell held for questioning.

OMG, I was thinking the EXACT same thing. My wife got a sunburn on the 4th of July while wearing a tankini and boy shorts bottoms, and there was a small gap between the top and the bottoms.