
Well, as they always like to say, the free market is always right. And this time they were right, because the free market told them to get fucked.

With about 10k I could probably get Parler up and running, albeit dog-slow. You’d have to pay me a hell of a lot more to do it, though, and when the world shit kicks you back into the dirt again I don’t want to hear it.

They also forgot to add, “And some casual insurrection.”

Can’t they pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Are they just lazy?

a beacon to all who value their liberty, free speech, and personal privacy

It’ll probably be up on a Russian provider at some point.  The backers just have to be ok with their investment dollars disappearing from time to time.

This argument isn’t wholly without merit

Ahhh it feels nice to see him get any punishment, he is just a worthless egotistical ass.

You do remember Trump was impeached once already right? And the Republican lead Senate refused things like... evidence and testimony at his trial then immediately found him not guilty? There are tons of this to bash the Democrats over, but this wasn’t the one to pick.

No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State

Yes. Nothing like Democrats waiting until almost the literal last second to grow some balls only because they feel like they won’t lose anything.

Love everyone’s rush to act responsibly 4 and a half years too late.

well they why don’t they just make whole turbine a propeller and fly itself into place.

Sure, but helicopters may cost a lot more depending on a number of factors. 

You can’t pardon someone proactively and grant someone blanket immunity

I’m not a fan of the carceral state, but if you’re going to have one, and you’re going to use it as heavily as we do, I can’t think of a better group of people to bring it down on than a bunch of dipshits storming the capitol and literally disrupting the functioning of democracy. And it sure seems like there’s

Anarchists, Agitators or Protestors who vandalize or damage our Federal Courthouse in Portland, or any Federal Buildings in any of our Cities or States, will be prosecuted under our recently re-enacted Statues & Monuments Act. MINIMUM TEN YEARS IN PRISON. Don’t do it! @DHSgov

If there was ever a group who deserved the trial from the end of Idiocracy, it’s these turds.