
It’s not just the stress. It’s the crap food full of salt and sugar and calories and the destroyed circadian rhythms and jobs spent in front of a computer. This is not a world fit for humans. I don’t think it ever was.

When humans decide that a species is invasive and that they all should die, they always leave out the most obvious one. 

You are correct. Someday, the inescapable, fundamental flaws of the human species (the greed/narcissism spectrum) will be widely accepted, but until then Americans will have the monopoly on the “denial” stage.

maybe file this under the “just enough rope” strategy

When he was 20, she was 8.

Make Our Galaxy Great Again

This is every Minnesota Vikings season since 1977.

He musta got blazed and binged the Jetsons. And yes, every prediction of a future of ease and plenty for the last hundred years has pointedly ignored the basic principles of capitalism (the greatest invention of mankind, ever)

I think it's time to move on.

Capitalism truly is the greatest human invention of all time.

The irrational number that can be named is not the true irrational number.

arc? area? art? arse? ire? fare?

In other words 99.14159265358979323846264338327950288% of everything humans do.

Why is anyone giving this psycho any oxygen?

I actually applaud their restraint. I repeatedly mowed directly under a tree nest that was one foot from my head and they only nailed me once on the back of my head.

Good Call. Those microchips are competition.

Do a quick pivot to union busting and save your bacon from the pedants.

Why watch another movie about it when you can just go pretty much anywhere and experience it?

“But I and every servicemember is ready to sacrifice our life to protect your right to say it.”

Someone needs to tell him Texas governors only get appointed Energy Secretary when there’s Trump in the White House so settle down, Beavis.