
We are talking about self-driving cars, here, Professor Goalposts. Cars that have a significantly higher degree of automation than an elevator and that have most certainly already killed people in their short operational history and number. 

Is it really a conspiracy when most of humanity participates?

Cigarettes are still killing people to this day.

People die in elevators tho

I will go to my grave wondering how a person could ever want to buy a car but not drive it. Perhaps I could ponder it over a self eating pizza and self drinking beer.

No, I chose 2003, but I guess I should have been more specific.

Late capitalism is a dystopia and psychology is not a science.

All this, under capitalism (chuckle).

You people elected this thing to uphold the Constitution and he doesn’t even know what it means. I’m done with America.

What they couldn’t find any used white vans? This is beyond creepy.

But you can bet that it’s just around the corner.”

Dude in 1930 had backward ideas, Just Imagine (also from 1930).

Lying Nazis gonna lie

It’s not a crime if the government does it. Why do you hate democracy?


Humans are born selfish dip****s and no amount of lawsuits will ever change that.

what dark times are these when the younglings cannot differentiate cynical grappling for lucre from a yeoman’s counsel or the confidence of a bosom companion

Why do girls force you to read their bresteses?

Kinda disappointed it’s not the antarctic ocean. At least naming oceans is easier than calling Nazis terrorists.

my act is not vanilla, it’s heavily patched and modded with a curated load order