
also a little bit fascist

they absolutely cannot claim to treat or cure a disease

so much edge you need a scabbard

What’s a “war violation”?  Not shooting enough artillery before time runs out or too many tanks on the field?

From 1969:

It’s clear you know little of physical science and are just an argumentative jerk. I don’t even think you were actually alive in the 70's. 

What was he supposed to do, hold back the avalanche while the 3 year old tries to find her dolly?

capitalism is revolting

No, really, you could see the fucking ice caps with a telescope and the Viking landers were there in 1976. Mariner mapped the caps in 1971. These things were in books. That’s why everyone including you calls them ice caps and not cotton candy caps or guacamole fungus caps. 

things that make you go hmmmm

why then if not that she has unfair advantage (also known as cheating)

I have absolutely no problem with small schools, I graduated from Youngstown State. I’d bet no one there would go through what this person did just to win a race.

you’d think this country hit peak bootlick, but no, MOAR KIWI

and then tim cook bowed and prayed

1:18 Udo plays the Flying V off his head - nice touch

These people who think these kinds of stories are an elaborate form of cheating (why yes I’ll go through all this to win a frigging DII race) live in a world where time and thought stopped in 1953. Paying attention to anything they say transports you to their world and it just isn’t worth the mental scarring.

Way to go out on a limb there, cap'n

you and everyone who starred you flunked 10th grade English.

It’s hard enough when people talk like this; even worse when they write it.

where do you think the photo that hit you in the feels came from?