
no, she really looks every minute of 64


what if aliens come and take all the GPUs that have been horghed for mining

because that is precisely the opposite of a stable currency?

what about the fact that you needed to?

so why is the “value” of bitcoins published in terms of fake dollars which are just a big gubmint scam?

man i hated the ‘86 mets. thank the stars my Twins Club won it next year to balance all that evil.

you are all a bunch of whiny white supremacists

animals, actually

sooo “hypocritical democrats” are bad

can confirm /Ohioan

refuses to give up ball on getting yanked, alleges a violation of the N.A.P. and screams “relief is theft”, goes Galt in bullpen with a 12-year old who definitely consented to a contract by buying a ticket

It may be named for a bank, but Fifth Third Field here in Toledo is primo.

That’s not an elephant. It’s a stage 3 guild navigator.

so the world is full of shitty christians  well done

was that supposed to be a refutation or just doubling down on kiwi?

It takes either colossal balls or quantum level dissociation to send DoJ zombies to argue that he’s using it in a private capacity. It’s been clear since Reagan that republicans operate in a different reality untestable by science.

that last line mind blown

One is closer to a bowling ball than a die yet has a pentagonal side. The 3's aren’t even the same on both dice. He must have hit up R’lyeh Soul Scarring in Buena Park.

I saved 800 dollars taking the train to Chicago to fly out of O’Hare vs Detroit. The train from Toledo to Chicago is just as long as driving and there’s no traffic. For short hauls around 500 miles, the train is my first choice.