
Y’all realize its shit like this that makes black folks not trust white liberals...right?

What baffles me is this.

I feel like Colbert and the people who hatched this disgusting stunt probably were thinking “oh, haha, Ann Coulter got invited to a John Stamos (?) Roast and it was hilarious! Let’s do Spicey.”

Who is dumb enough to star this troll, especially such a vapid sexist comment?

The New York Times is having serious quality control issues. That review never should have been published. If you claim an author said something and their book says the opposite, it should be retracted. Goldberg needs to be reprimanded over this journalistic malpractice. She’s the one making errors here, with a

Ha ha ha, an asshole that lied for 6 months and helped Toupee Fiasco advance his agenda got out and is now in on the joke instead of being the punchline. So funny, much win.

Meanwhile on NBC they’re still trying to tell us Megyn Kelly is an Actual Journalist and not a partisan hack.

It makes you wonder if all his years spent playing a persona on The Colbert Report made his blind spots bigger. He built a following of people that literally chanted his name in adoration. This kind of echo chamber praise always bothered me.

Reminder that this was on CBS which also greenlit the 60 Minutes interview with Bannon.

Don’t forget his My Little Pony defense of Melania’s plagarism.

Thank you!

The Colbert/Stewart Rally to Restore Sanity/Encourage Fear (or whatever the hell it was called) is part and parcel of the same problem. They can point out outrages of the conservative political establishment every night on their shows, but when it comes time to proposing a solution, they hold a rally (which, in the

God it’s amazing what white people will forgive white dudes for.

Imagine Kellyanne Conway in Spicer’s place. It’s no fucking different, they’re both liars on behalf of a president who is an unrepentant extension of all of America’s darkest realities. Something tells me Colbert wouldn’t find it in his heart to enable a

They brought him out to do a joke the trolled Trump about sending out his surrogates to lie and say the inauguration had higher attendance than it did (and other lies about his popularity.)

I mean I know intellectually that Colbert is doing a bit but to participate in the undeserving redemption of Spicy? That shit hurt.

I’m pretty sure I’ve joked about Spicer probably being a decent guy to get a drink with, but that doesn’t make him a decent guy. Nor should he be publicly applauded for anything ever, til the end of time.

Yeah, “Burned By Dump” shouldn’t get these collaborators shit. We’ve all been burned by that creature but most of us weren’t cuddled up to his fleshy wattles trying to get him to love us.

I suppose that this disappointment emanates from the weird belief that Hollywood gives a fuck about changing things.

I’m glad he was there, as a reminder that the moneyed class are really all one and the same and do not look to them to be the progressive vanguard of anything. That Stephen Colbert thought it would be funny and interesting shows you the limits of his politics.

Hear. Fucking. Hear.