
You do know he didn’t HAVE to take this job, right?

I do now. I literally cannot hold all of the whatthefuckery coming from the right in my brain.

Having a Jared worked out so well for Subway...

But he said he’d hire the best people! How can that be true if literally every single one of them is utterly unqualified for their job?

Pity the JustJared name is already trademarked.

I’d agree if not for the fact that one wrong move - including inattention - could put us in all-out war with North Korea, which leads almost inevitably to war with China. I don’t think the Korean peninsula can survive 4 years of us just not paying attention at all, but who really knows?

He went to Jared...

What a low-energy loser. Sad!

As much as I enjoy the thought that she’s probably laughing her ass off privately, I’m also terrified for y’know. The world.

I have to get off a shitty overnight commercial flight and be functional in a second language for a meeting at 8 am and this fucking clown can’t even do dinner? Give me a fucking break.

Counterpoint: the less time Trump surrogates are meeting with foreign leaders, the less chance they have to fuck things up. Which they undoubtedly would.

What has been published is a report from the South Korean press citing Seoul officials’ claim that Tillerson cut talks short due to “fatigue.”

There’s actually an easy way to make Tillerson wake up and take notice, tell him there is oil in Korea.

Remember when they said she had a body double?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for defending Director-level and CEO-level positions in most companies - they’re often damned hard 70 hour+ weeks and essentially 24/7 on-call, at a level that is beyond the vast bulk of people.

I hate these fuckers, but the “CEO type” in this country works long hours and travels a ton. It is certainly a lot more plush than government work, but it sure as hell doesn’t start at 10, and two hour lunches disappeared three decades ago.

Men are such emotional messes and babies. Why do we trust them to do these jobs?  

“Nobody knew international diplomacy could be so tiring.”
-R. Tillerson

So many CEO-type old men in this administration used to starting at 10am, going for a 2 hour lunch at 12, and being home by 4pm are suddenly discovering that the “public sector” they’ve mocked their whole lives doesn’t roll that way.

Hey, remember when someone pointed out that when you exclude the US press corps from the Sec of State’s travel, it means the only reporting done on the meetings will come from the foreign press?