
Not the same. The pause in 2011 was caused by the discovery that to Iraqis admitted has actually been involved in attacks on US troops in Iraq. The pause was to allow time for fingerprint checks between refugees and IED devices found in war zones.

Not the same. The pause in 2011 was caused by the discovery that to Iraqis admitted has actually been involved in attacks on US troops in Iraq. The pause was to allow time for fingerprint checks between refugees and IED devices found in war zones.

much more terrifyingly, this actually is some of us.

assembling the scaffolding of tyranny

Eichmann was not “ normal”” This is a myth.. He was a zealous advocate, planner and enforcer of the “final solution”. That he “looked like” a bureaucrat does not mean he was one. 

Best times? But rich white people have to pay taxes and see brown people who don’t solely exist to serve them when they go outside.

I remember coming to the US from Lebanon once. I was with my dad and this was in 2006 shortly after the war started (we were there for a wedding). We got sent to a room where we were asked for the purpose of visit, where we were from, any political affiliations, etc. My dad was being friendly and cooperative but the

They are dying to abuse what little power they have.

I wrote Judge Donnelly a thank you card today and mailed it. I’m a big believer in positive reinforcement. May those on the correct side stay strong and may history view us well.

CBP officials at Dulles airport are reportedly still refusing access to lawyers for people being detained, including green-card holders. They won’t let the lawyers talk to anyone, and they’ve even ignored calls from local lawmakers.

People on my Facebook feed are saying we’re all being hysterical over nothing and this is no different than the immigration limits set by Obama and Bush. I am so done with heartless people so fucking devoted to Trump and hateful of anyone different that they won’t listen to facts or reason. God damn.

Winter is coming, assholes.

I’m sure they do. Those idiots are fucking terrified of anyone darker than them.

Yes - old people, small children (a 5-year-old boy was detained for hours without his mother), disabled people, students, scientists... Feeling safer now, Trump supporters?!?

They are disgusting. And any claims by the administration that it’s not a Muslim Ban are 1000% false.

Thank goodness for these lawyers, who rushed to the scene in the hundreds and are doing everything they can. I hope every single one of these poor people get released soon.

They detained kids and disable people.

BTW, I made a donation to the ACLU after they stymied Emperor HiroCheeto.