
This. A million times this. As a grad student in cross cultural studies I get shit all the time that our research “isn’t like real research” and I point out that plenty of “real science” research is shaky or misinterpreted or fraudulent.

Well no more cushy Princeton teaching position for you liar! You are ruining same sex marriage with your phony truths!

The journal and the grad student are equally responsible. The prof is responsible for his own reputation and he likely (stupidly) trusted the grad student not to lie. It’s one thing to discover your research is honestly flawed — you redo it, retract it, keep going. But the grad student started out by lying, knowingly.

I think the worst thing about faked data is that it will be out there circulating for years, and causing more problems down the line, as it will pop up every time somebody tries to do a study on the subject down the road.

It goes back to when servents helped dress aristocrats. Men would typically button their own shirts, and since most people are right-handed, the buttons are on the right side. Women, however, often required a couple people to help them get clothed, and that involved servents doing the buttoning/lacing. Again, since

OK, but I want this.

I always liked the
“A Woman’s place is in the house AND the senate.”

It bothers me that the buttons are on the wrong side from where they would be on an actual ladies’ pantsuit jacket. Thanks again patriarchy.

Kinja gonna Kinje.

They were playing a game called ‘I’m supposed to be able to sleep in my own house without anyone looking at my vag.”

Yes. Thank you for this. A fourteen-year-old knows what he is doing. And he gets better at it.

My own take is that Josh probably did start off “playing doctor” with his sisters at a younger age*, but there was so much shame and judgement attached to sexuality in the household that when his behavior escalated later on his victims were too scared/ashamed to report it.

... what?

This is pretty much confirming what I suspected: that the girls received the blame for what Josh did, and that they were consistently and repeatedly told that there was a certain amount of innocence to the whole thing.

Of course! You don’t want to fan the flames! You want to clamp that shit down, tighter and tighter, like a secret garden that you never tell anyone about...ever...just simmering in your soul and reminding you that it’s going to one day go all horribly wrong...gnawing at a rat in a cage....

Oh FUCK off. Josh sinned because he was raised in a fucking oppressive family who don’t address sexual things and .. fuck fuck fuck fuck their oppressive fundamentalism is SO EVIL!

This idea of “fan[ing] the flames of youthful lust” with sex education seems to be a popular idea with some people. Up in Ontario, Canada, we just had a huge overhaul in the sex education curriculum, including info about non-heterosexual relationships, talk about prevention of STDs during sex (including oral and

Well now it’s becoming pretty clear how Ben came to be the big dullard that he is.