
Like the first Avengers, obviously. Or The Winter Soldier. I’m not attracted to Sebastian Stan all the time, but put him in eyeliner and a metal arm, and I become all about it.

I BS you not: There was a dude, two departments ago, whose hard drive we had to wipe at least three times in the couple of years I worked for that particular department. Let’s just say we are local government, and he had an office with a door that locked. Anytime he called for tech support, and one of us had to travel

“Well, we got suspicious when we realized he was going through 2-3 boxes of Kleenex per shift but not requesting any sick time...”

I think the employee masturbating to Age of Ultron needs an intervention, there are much better things to furiously masturbate to.

What if one employee is watching porn so that he can take notes for his porn-themed internet critic comedy show (asking for a friend), and another employee is furiously masturbating all day every day to Age of Ultron? These are the questions that keep me up at night.

I pray HR requests a new chair, keyboard, and mouse for the new guy.

I know, glass houses and all.

WHO AMONG US has not

It’s OK when rich people get free rides. They earned that.

Huckabee is the same asshole who set someone free, based on his saying he had come to the Lord and was really sorry for what he did, and then that guy went on a spree and killed two cops in Seattle. Oh, I’m sorry, I just looked it up again to paste in a reference to the story. It wasn’t two cops. It was actually four

I bet the Huckabees figure the anonymous informant must been a f*g (their word, not mine) because what red-blooded all American (hetero-normative) boy doesn’t like some good old fashioned dog killin’? Lord knows normal boys ain’t gonna git their panties in a twist over no dang dog!

“I’d rather people just judged me on my personality and my character and my integrity,” he said.

I swiped it from here

What a fucking world when a con artist spawns a sociopathic torturer and claims to be the harbinger of a return to ‘family values.’

Looks like David might have mange

Geez! Ok, I know that you cannot control your teenage son. He is a complete nut job and should be locked away. I won't fault you for that. But SEND HIS ASS TO JAIL, or whatever punishment any other person would have gotten for this crime. Show some integrity, show that when you say you are tough on crime, you are


What the fuck goes on at Boy Scout camps

Jia over here fantasizing about eating cookies out of a cookie jar that looks exactly like a porcelain version of his head.