
BUT it's so much more exciting when people compliment your wedding dress if you have to sigh dramatically and say, "Thank you but you don't even know. I had this amazing dress we all fell in love with and Joseph would have just died to see me in it but then that terrible woman who thought of nobody else after not

Good, now people can go back to bankrupting themselves on their weddings.

damnit i want that

Jesus tapdancing Christ.

I made you an ebola wedding dress :)

If I were getting married (...and American, and prepared to wear a wedding-y dress to do the Americanly getting married in) I would totally buy my dress from them on principle.

I am happy for them. I also think a rebranding would be good, not just because of the Ebola thing, but because I am a horrible person and "Coming Attractions" sounds like a better name for a "blue movie" or a live sex show than a bridal shop.

If I were having a huge wedding full of people I didn't really care to see/hug/kiss, I would totally buy a dress from there just ward off the idiots. "Oh, are you sure you want to touch the bride? Her dress has Ebola."

Reported elsewhere that canceled orders cost the store X. I'd thought most bridal shops' policy was not to allow refunds once someone's ordered something, and it's unclear what her cancellation policy is (I presume one has to put down a large chunk of price on an order, at minimum). Evidently, her business

It's a communicable miracle!

See what you did, Republicans? Lack of funding for science education is hurting small business now.

Hooray! I hope it all goes well! Can you post any fundraising links?

I was really hoping the shop would be saved because people pulled their heads out of their asses and started shopping there again.

I want to be angry about this but the high schooler in me is like "why wasn't this a thing when my face broke out the night before picture day"


Reading this had so many question marks running through my mind. Like did you really just say that?

I applaud this reference.

Nothing in this world would make me happier than if some media outlet uncovered an old unreleased photo of the Princess Grace-Prince Rainier wedding day that featured her in that glorious gown firing a shotgun out the back of a pickup.

That's an engaged couple?!? I thought it was a publicity still from Motherboy XXXV, "Sons of the South."