
Actual male feminists are the greatest! Like my dad, who did most of the parenting and showed me from birth that gender roles are bullshit. Or my friend who set me straight a long time ago when I said something truly ignorant about, "How can it be rape if the person doesn't try to say no or resist?" Or like a lot of


I cannot believe sexually active adults on this thread don't get that a male penis is nothing like a leg and the comparison isn't apt.

I care about their boners, because I tend to only be friends with guys, and also I'm a "cool girl" and also, I'm impervious to pregnancy and STDs.

But mostly, I just love sarcasm.

Right? Because absolutely none of the analogous things women have to do ever cause us the slightest discomfort or inconvenience. Hormonal BC? No side effects at all! Spermicide? Doesn't dissolve our lady parts one bit! Diaphragms? So comfortable you can't even feel them! Fertility awareness? Not an all-consuming

Children whose images are being traded for the sexual gratification of pedophiles. I'd say that's who we're protecting.

Another important part of sex-ed would be a unit on consent and what is/isn't considered appropriate once consent is obtained.

Oh, that's just teenagers being teenagers. And when they grow up to become adults, they'll think it's totally cool to take pictures of women they're having sex with, without their consent, and upload them onto the internet in things like revenge porn, without their consent, and they'll just think it's okay because,

I think this stopped being teenage dumbassery when the production of child porn began. You can't tell me these fine young men, who basically got all their sex ed from porn sites since they were 10, didn't know that filming sex acts with underage women is against the law. I think this is not teenage dumbassery, but

"I view feminism on the same level as people who murdered millions in the name of racial purity how dare these women demand equal rights"

Federal law is pretty clear on this - inappropriate photos of a person under the age of 18 is child porn. I had my normal Title IX rape, sex, alcohol talk with my University's football team. As an added bonus, I always ask them how many have girls back home. Several always raise their hands. I tell them if she is 16

Just like I said in the post about the teen lingerie birthday party, parents of this generation are the biggest push overs ever, and a lot of them are raising monsters as a result, especially due to their desire to be friends first and parents second. A lot of these cool parents are more concerned with giving their

great question and great asterisks, sir!

Redouble our efforts? What's 2 X 0 again? Oh yeah. Zero.

Lake, who is an attorney specializing in medical marijuana cases


Yeah, dude pretty much wants an idealized clone of himself, but with the opposite sexual anatomy. FYI, ladies, judging from your online dating profiles, so do quite a lot of you. It's almost like having wildly unrealistic expectations of one's dating partners can happen regardless of gender.

She's like a waitress at a roadside diner mushed into the form of an 8 year-old. Love her.

Despite them being innocent precious babies, I want to strangle children when they sing. Especially when they try and act grown, you ain't grown, sit down and sip your Capri-Sun and not work.