
Ha. My 11 year old (feminist) daughter told me that she thought the reason men were so upset about birth control was NOT because of any health care issues, but only because they wanted to control women's lives. I don't think I've ever been prouder of her!

So my name IRL is Phyllis (something I once struggled with and then learned to embrace in my teen years). While in a woman's lit class in high school, reading the "Heidi Chronicals," we were tasked with writing a play about a female activist. Ever contrary, and obsessed with other women named Phyllis, I picked Phyllis

So, women get raped because the go to college.

No shit, I was re-reading the Handmaid's Tale on the train this morning and I was like OH HAY PHYLLIS

Once again, even as we decry the perceived cruelty of Orthodox Islam with their burkas and keeping women from driving, the conservative movement in America is apparently looking to copy their greatest hits. In the name of making sure the terrorists don't win, I'm sure.

She is exactly who Madeline Albright was talking about when she said there is a special place in hell.

I have a ridiculously handsome male friend who I believe women objectify in relationships much like women often are. He always seems to date women who don't like "him" so much as the "idea of him." His most recent girlfriend gave him a dirty look when he did his happy-dance. Of course I noticed and he noticed I

I'm so tired of people like Schlafly. Women are damned if they do and damned if they don't with this crowd. If women go to college, then they deserve to be raped. If they don't go to college and are unable to afford the cost of living, then they are horrible for not going to college. Sure Schlafly went to college, but

Her argument makes sense if you read extrapolate the whole thing "College Women Get Raped Because They Go to College; All Other Women Get Raped Because They Lack Higher Education."

Why are you pretending that women don't know the difference between being looked at and being leered at? We do know the difference and it's the latter we object to.

I am sure black and gay men could relate to this issue in a real way without carrying a cake. Seems to me that all individuals, are judged as representative of their group, a stereotype, except for white hetro males, middle class and up. We, here, are judged as individuals.

Ending the patriarchy.

Plenty of men do NOT have empathy. Do you think any of those fucking men who raped that Indian girl with a rod so badly her intestines fell out have empathy?

What? Of course women are aware of and acknowledge the advantages of attractiveness. We're asking YOU to recognize that there are also disadvantages. And those disadvantages almost always outweigh the advantages. There are certainly specific situations where being attractive is an advantage, but they're pretty much not

No, we're not. We're talking about the reality that we live in a society that systematically exploits and oppresses women, and one aspect of that is the fact that women are treated in our everyday lives as commodities to be consumed instead of as human beings.

You're putting words in my mouth. Men have empathy, of course. What they don't have, quite often, is a lot of practice empathizing with women. Boys (and obviously I'm speaking in gross generalities here) are not asked to self-identify with female characters as they're growing up the same way that girls are asked to

I get SO ragey when men relate to rape or whatever happens to some woman with "what if it happened to your wife or mother?" WHAT IF IT HAPPENED TO A PERSON, ANY PERSON? Its fucking terrible and that person shouldn't have a label of wife or mother for you to empathize.

I like this. I was really afraid, when I started reading this article, that is was going to be about how men carried around cakes and everyone looked at them and now they understand what it's like to walk around in public as a woman. And I'm so glad that that's not what it was.

The Lemon Cake Male Objectification Experiment, a/k/a The Male Glaze.