
So even easier to aim then Ashe’s ult. Got it.

You know the harper swat was fake right?


gay white guy*

Other then the fact that most men in the world would take issue with a trans person having sex with them without notifying them of it first?

I find it awesome that Obsidian didn’t just change it. They asked the backer, and the backer wrote a fitting poem to mock the idiots clamoring for it to be changed. They are calling it a victory to, dipshits.

Or listen to a vocal minority on twitter.

Would you please get that logic out of here? I am afraid a SJW’s head might explode upon reading it.

No the punchline was this guy was straight and didn’t want to live with having been tricked into fucking another lifeform with a penis.

Because we are tired of people being triggered by a joke and getting it changed? Are we going to remove everything offensive to every demographic ever in any game in existence? When do we stop?

Which is exactly why it should not have been changed. This brings us ever closer to beige sphere simulator.

Hey now, we all know the SJW crew who got this changed has super powers and knows the EXACT intent of the person who wrote it. Please check your privilege shitlord.

HOLY SHIT! So triggered. That poem was fucking hilarious, but with so many SJW we cannot have nice things.

Depression quest is not a game.

Monster Hunter 4 on Wii U please?

This happens with EVERY SINGLE dark souls style game. Mostly utilized by PvPers who do not want to bother with beating the game or collecting items for their builds. Most of the time it is harmless, but when it is used to grief and invade with infinite amounts of consumables, there is a problem.

Shoot it in the orange bits.


Brian Ashcraft is their target audience.