The storm trooper looks cool. Vader looks stupid. Boba Fett looks cool. There I contributed.
The storm trooper looks cool. Vader looks stupid. Boba Fett looks cool. There I contributed.
I blame Sony for even making that an option.
That echo.
This is nothing more then attempted murder, and should be treated as such. It is not funny, not 'for the lulz', and anyone who does it should be put away for a very long time. Also if you think some 19 year old dipshit will not tremble in fear in front of a 10 year prison sentence then you are living in a dream world.…
I'll gladly foot the bill. This shit needs to stop.
If they find the little shit, put him away for at least 10 years. Make an example out of him. I promise you this shit will stop being 'cool'.
Obsidian. Why have you not improved yet.
As long as its ok for men to declare they are done with cunnilingus.
Take all the time you need. I will play it when its polished and done.
That is great news for the five people who bought one.
The future of SJW gaming. Fascinating. I'll stick to quake.
Imagine a modern Tie Fighter game, nothing changes, just graphics. Drool.
Well all I can say is make them. See if they do well. Tired of people trying to change existing characters, it is lazy.
Must be based on weird market data or something right? It is almost like they know from years of research who will buy certain games and who will not.
Why change existing characters into women. Why not create new female characters.
China does not care about copyrights.
I don't like it so people should stop making it. Go play something else, variety is good.
Is PvP still forced in online mode?
China. I don't get it.
I'd hit it.