
I’ll just say, Obamacare worked great where it worked. What killed it was all the red states that were willing to cut off their own noses to spite their faces. My family used Obamacare for three or four years. It gradually got worse as it was dismantled, but it was still better than the cut-rate insurance offered by

“The old ICE cars will then be scrapped.”

I’m Not really a math guy, but if it’s a perfect 50/50 split how can I not fuck this up? CP

I’m honestly surprised that the players wont be independent contractors. 

Broken headlight motors and chassis squeak out of the factory.

You ignored the obvious CoD. Something, something, autoplay, something, something.

This comment needs more attention.

What’s important to me is being able to open an article in Jalopnik without a video autoplaying.

I think this really is what comes with any open book financing for a company and its employees. I have guys who will constantly complain that I pay them $20/hr and yet bill their work for $120/hr. They like to complain that I am making $100/hr by doing nothing....and then I tell them it costs me about $40/hr for them

The biggest single problem I see with all these stories is that Uber and Lyft rushed everything early on, and only now are realizing how they should have been running stuff all along.

If only my job showed me how much I earned for each email I sent

I need more data.

As someone without a background in marketing or ads or any of that crap, I can tell you these piss me off to no end and make me run an ad blocker. I also avoid sites that stop working when ad blocker is on.

Just a side note: The auto playing video ads are really annoying. As someone who works in advertising and has had experience with rich media ads I can tell you they don’t work and its a great way to turn off users.

Not sure about you but I don’t need Tom to tell me.... I have a blanket-style pessimism and I have NEVER been wrong.

That's exactly right.

I don’t know whether to laugh or get mad at these responses. It’s almost like they don’t want to sell to informed consumers who do their prep, rather take advantage of the sucker who walks in the door with absolutely no clue.

Jalopnik: use your car and also take care of it.

everyman already drives a 50k truck so why the hell not.  

I still think the Model 3 looks like an adorable, angry duck from the front.