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    Thank you for the reply! I should know better. I’m extremely curious and love i09, but am obviously such a NEWB that I embarrass myself. Cheers! :)

    I’m assuming this is a live-action movie? I thought I heard that Jackman was finished as Wolverine:/

    Hello Mr. Pullman-Moore. Good article, but now I really want to know what Cyclops was right about:)

    I don’t know if I defended a troll, but I admire Steph a great deal. If that made me look stupid.... it wouldn’t be the first time!

    Not to mention the effects of certain medications on the apetite. I take Trazadone for sleep, but it can leave your brain confused as in “should I eat now? I don’t know. Maybe not?” And Prednisone. Oh dear: THAT can really mess one up:(

    OH! Hohoha! Excellent point. Maybe THAT was their real objection to it:)

    Sorry. But I don’t see what you are seeing. Sports Bras come in all shapes and configurations lately. This looks pretty normal, imo. Maybe you are accustomed to seeing larger breasts, but this checks out for us average to smaller gals.

    Thank god you and your child are OK.

    I can’t imagine offing myself with a gun, but men do love those guns......

    Damn. That is a hard 57. Repubs like their “comforts” for sure.

    Thank you.

    This is good kinja:)

    I have purchased clothing for 25 cents at Flea Markets and thrifts to do just that. Also I send them to Women’s Shelters.

    Retailers only donate merchandise “with issues.” So, fear not, you can still find a wonky sweater at Goodwill (and Goodwill is a Big Rip-Off).


    These people have no imagination: Shred them, THEN sell them as “distressed.” Cha Ching!

    I would be very surprised if they didn’t have an ebay outlet. Many retailers do. Stupid them - they would make a killing (but I’ll bet there are store managers ‘making off’ with the ‘goods’ and selling them there).

    Miss you, Philip. I can’t count the times my hubs and I said at the same time “Hoffman would have been better in this.”

    Lol. You crazy.