
I was wondering if it was edited, because I thought it was a strange way to word what she was saying, and I wasn't 100% sure what she meant at first.

I'm not feeling too bad about my remaining 3 players… Jenn, Joe, and Sierra aren't the worst trio to have right now.

I am going to bask in the short amount of time that I may remain tied for SECOND to last place. Unless, of course, they vote out Rodney immediately after the merge…

Colton's behavior was the one time I was PHYSICALLY uncomfortable watching. The only thing that came close was Brandon Hantz' meltdown, but still didn't get to me quite as bad as Colton.

It's a sad, sad, day to be me, isn't it?

Oooooooph. Well, it was fun while it lasted, Championship league! And I still can't do any worse than @BassmanXVI did last season. I will cling to that forever…

"Also, Max, buddy. What you were trying to do was NOT a blindside.
Voting out a person on the opposing alliance is simply called "playing

"I think it's the difference between 45 mins of Shirin a week, and 24 hours of Shirin all the time."

I haven't really disagreed with anything Lindsey has said, she's just too brash and in-your-face with her opinions, and didn't know when to back off. She forgot she was playing a game.

Hell yes

See, I think I was less upset with Rodney because, while what Colton was doing was straight up bullying, Rodney was spouting off such ludicrous misogyny, I didn't think anyone would even take him seriously and I was sure his comeuppance was coming. I was really hoping for a Drewschbag exit, and not just for the sake


I'd recommend Mozart piano concertos. They are calm, pretty, and predictable. Less drumming backgrounds than baroque, with the never-ending basso continuo, and less angsty than the romantic period which could break my concentration. For work (coding/software) it was perfect for me.

I feel like there isn't very much legitimate scheming/strategizing going on pre-merge, so they tend to focus on the interpersonal conflicts to set off the "fireworks" of a given episode. I agree they are uncomfortable, but I feel like each cast tends to outgrow them by the merge. I mean, if we were post-merge, do you

Nobody seemed in the least bit surprised by the outcome, so I thought it was odd, but intentional.

Hmmph, last season I had to root for Missy, now I sort of need to root for Lindsey? Max don't let me down!

That was bad and you should feel bad!

Wait, the tribes have actual names?

It was the best of times… it was the blurst of times?

Bwahaha, you made me spit out my drink, kudos to you, sir.