
I feel like Shirin is coming off more goofy than crazy. I'm not feeling confident that she's connecting to people socially (besides Max) but she doesn't strike me as the type to sit quietly and be a good little goat. I think the luck of the draw when they reshuffle will make or break her…

An A-what-a? Was she, like, a totally important designer?

She was absolutely right, but she should have let it go, and then bitch behind his back to everyone else, solidifying herself as one of the "good guys" and him as the unappreciative outsider.

I have to root for Lindsey because of the fantasy league. I feel kinda dirty about it.

Yeah, I hate to say it, but if I was stuck on a beach with random people I've never met before, random monkeys having sex in a tree might have been the excitement of my day too.

Nina, eat the lizard.

Fair enough, but I think it had far more to do with the fact that Rich was pretty much the only one on the entire island who was scheming in the first place.

Exactly… I would have thought she'd choose to go topless, not bottomless. It was just… odd. And I think it's more likely they freaked people out than came off as goofy and loveable.

A conversation piece for the contestants or for the viewers? I would think Max and Shirin would know the difference. All they seemed to do was make people uncomfortable for no real reason. If they were dead set on the skinny dipping, they could do it without parading through the camp.

Interesting that Max and Shirin seemed to think that the nudity was a reason Richard Hatch won. I know it's been a while, but that's not the show I remember…

I had the exact same reaction. Her edit was that she wasn't leaving, but the vote split definitely didn't look good…

My husband and I, both 33, were like "yeah, dude, we're over the hill"

Hopefully he doesn't last anywhere close to 42 days….

It is a secret to everybody

I didn't fault last season's cast for not being Survivor Nerds, I faulted them for being morons :)

Something about "Trade in the law student" made me laugh


Love the new site, and the [additional] non-podcast content has been great. Bonus points from me for the Simpsons References, as always :)

I see what you did there….

UGH, This again?