
She seems to recognize this, but it's also smart to not kick the hornet's nest. He needs to be comforted, then blindsided.

Adam still can't do worse than BassmanXVI :)

At least a Max and Shirin, professed fans, immediately called BS on the lie. Not sure that would have happened with last year's group of geniuses….

I realized last night I had three people on the white collar tribe. That doesn't seem like a good plan.

Hmmm… OK let's try this one:
Max, Shirin, Joe, Tyler

Ugh,…. hmmm… I guess Lindsey? Something about a career of "you tube sensation" just annoys me.

That sounds really cool, I'll be watching this league… :-)

OK, How about this combo (almost completely different from my original)

My Pick-4 were based on the written interviews — I just finally watched the videos.

OK, I just watched the interviews, I totally want to swap Sierra for Shirin. I kinda love her interview, and I think she will either be awesome or crash and burn, a chance I am willing to take prior to the first episode.

I did…. if they are totally dysfunctional I'll switch after the first episode I suppose.

my hastily written notes read: "douchebag lacking self-awareness". So, yes.

She barely said ANYTHING in her interview, I got no read on her either way.

Alright, let's do this…. "For no particular raisin"
1) Max D. - I like his snark. Lost points for the hipster kale reference though…
2) Dan F. - He looks easy-going, but capable. Plus he used the word "Schmooze"
3) Mike H. - Seems social, likable, and athletic.
4) Sierra T. - Looks kinda bad-ass

Just reading them now to prepare for my pick 4 and every time I see "Escameca" my brain thinks it says "eczema". Thankfully, I never remember the tribe names anyways

She's also pretty bad-ass in "The Americans". She would probably laugh at Tony's Spy Shack

I always figured they were selected that way for maximum drama by the producers (based on how bitter they are at Ponderosa). And I wouldn't put it past the editors to play the questions out of order, if the final contestants weren't visually distraught by one of the responses.

Hahahaha, I can just imagine the fight.

You mean the Firefly death slot?

That's what @bassmanxvi has been saying since day 1… :)