
Hi Carrie! *waves*


I saw her in person in Anything Goes, from the second to last row of the theater. She sang the title song, tap danced for like 4 min straight, and belted that note at the end like nobody's business. My jaw was on the floor. Amazing. Kelly Bishop also happened to be starring in a supporting role…

I wonder if it would have done better as a niche show on Netflix or Amazon.

Actually, that's pretty much what Boston Rob and Tony did, wasn't it?

I was just happy that for ONCE, it was an actual #blindside. Someone getting voted out when they KNOW they might be voted out is NOT a blindside!

If you can block out her entire storyline from season 4 (ewwww), I totally agree. They managed to make her maturity and depth feel natural to the point where the final character was almost unrecognizable compared to her debut. The writers accomplished this with almost all the characters, except for Angel, which felt

I said the same exact thing! re: "Did she die?"

I would DIE if that happens. Please, Survivor gods (er, producers), make it happen!!

I feel like they should be the subject of a really cool Pheobe Buffay friendship analogy (You know, since Lobsters are taken)

Spencer's tribe isn't the complete train wreck it was last time. There are some decent people who have the potential to be level-headed. I'm interested to see how he fares in a situation where his strategizing (or lack thereof) can make a difference.

Agree with all except #5 and #6. I didn't miss Abi-Maria freak-outs. At all.

My husband said this too… we were wondering if they made them sit around until the sun went down

I don't know, was it a radioactive scorpion?

She was downright giddy at the prospect of being able to watch their alliance crumble EXACTLY the way she had been pleading to Sierra & Dan. I admire her ability to separate her personal stake in the game from the pure enjoyment of being there and witnessing it all first-hand.

I don't disagree with your analysis (that it's easier for men), but does that mean that balance challenges that favor women, or "stand on a tiny block" challenges that favor smaller feet should similarly be split by gender?

I was convinced… CONVINCED that this was Dan's boot episode. He couldn't have been portrayed as more of a Drewschbag… damnit. Mike's move was delicious to watch, but still… we have to watch more of Dan.

This is not my season for EITHER fantasy league. Even in Pick4, I'm down to… Sierra. Heh.

I hope you're right…

He might have… we get the edited-for-tv version. I'm curious if Shirin pointed out that it wasn't, in fact, her, that started suspecting the food hoarding. I don't think she stood to put Jenn or Mike in any worse of a position.