

I disagree — she can say (legitimately) that she saved him from going home. I think the more likely scenario is that he wins immunity once she finally decides it's time to get him out… and winds up going home instead


This comment for the WIN

That would be brilliant — then you put Jon in a final 3 with Baylor & Missy and score the win. It would definitely one-up Ciera on the "I voted my MOM out"

They're taking dumps in the woods, I have a feeling their sanitation standards have already taken a nose-dive by this point…

I'd do it for a family member or close friend, as long as I didn't have to pay the medical bills

Not only expensive but ridiculously time consuming

A perfectly nice couple can be a perfectly boring pair of survivor players. :)

I get it, Reed. Sometimes I tell my husband to put the laundry from the washer to the dryer, but I didn't tell him to turn the dryer on. TOTALLY my fault ;-)

Plus if Jon tries to play the "you betrayed me!" card from a jury in the end, she can legitimately say "Dude, I SAVED your ass by telling you to use the idol. You wouldn't have even GOTTEN that far without me"

I thought it was redundant after Natalie did it first. Since they were pretty solidly aligned, once one of them "curried favor" I would have thought that was enough… Beyond that it read more like ass-kissing. I think the better move would have been to keep Jon and Jaclyn separated trough the reward, with Natalie

In response to your Zoidberg moment "Your podcast is bad and you should feel bad!"

I think it was a mistake to send him there and lie about the idol if he intended to hang on to that alliance a few more days… but his response was reasonable once he realized the mistake. I think letting Jeremy stew and build up opposition would have been more dangerous once the damage was done.

I think he was too trusting that his alliance was going to stay steady. People are rarely rational in Survivor, you have to constantly be feeling out what the other players are trying to do to crack your alliance and counter that. Perhaps he should have been more aggressive in trying to take Jon out once he found out

Huzzah for my mediocre team!

The previews indicate that Jon took some heat

I don't know, a few more days might have been enough for Jeremy to start rallying people to go after Jon and flush out his idol.

I think Jon is coming off that way because he's adjusting his strategy as he goes, which, if you think about it, is probably smarter than just sitting around and trusting your alliance to stay strong. (Spoiler alert: they almost never do). It comes off reckless, but I think he's in decent shape. It might not have been

That's pretty astute, and probably accurate. Too bad the producers didn't show us….