
You know…. she probably would. Yikes. I wish I could un-read that ;-)

That's why the fantasy league has made things fun even in an awful season. I have a tangible reason to root for Missy… Heh

I feel like I'm the only one who didn't see Jeremy as having a winner edit. He was definitely getting a "good guy" edit, but aside from his awareness of the power dynamics (which, of course, is important for a dominant winner) he didn't seem to have much else going on. I just wasn't feeling it.

She is playing a good goat game… I don't think anyone likes her enough to even give her the "respect your gameplay vote" (tm)

Wow, I am now in the top 10, how did that happen? God, guys, this season… the fantasy league is almost more exciting than the show (although, I admit it, I was certain Reed was a goner… well played, editors..)

I'm counting on you, missy! Ugh, I feel awful saying that…

Wow, I really know how to pick a guy…. who's bad at fantasy survivor

Dang it, I still thought Josh was getting a good edit, even this episode. It was going to go wrong for ONE Of my players (directly or indirectly) and I like Josh better than she-with-the-black-soul

I like Josh and Reed, but that doesn't mean they are both good players

It was hard not too — it was noisy! I'm surprised the sound people didn't try to tone that down, it was distracting!

I think she could have played on the fact that everyone else was bashing John and (unless I'm mistaken), she hadn't really done so thusfar. She could have been kinda like "Stick with me, I'll take care of you, we'll get to the end, and we'll show them that you are not defined by John's history any more than he is"

Think unsexy thoughts… think unsexy thoughts…

That's what I think. I didn't feel like we were getting the "Josh goes home" edit, but it wasn't looking good for him. If he makes it to the end, he probably owes Julie a huge thank you….

That's ok, @bassmanxvi fell asleep during this episode after I waited until he got home to watch it. So I'm annoyed for multiple reasons ;)

But on the flip side, her eagerness to go with Baylor would have immediately been a red flag to me that they were solidifying an alliance (if it wasn't obvious to everyone already). But I liked that she had the brains to realize that building a relationship was more important than a food reward…

To be fair, dale took it off the water well so it probably looked authentic, or at least not home-made….

Eh, Josh and missy both look like potential targets with the merge coming. I'm in a precarious position.

Poor bassman. Rock bottom of both leagues..

I don't see it as being any different than abstinence between hetersexual couples, it's the same concept. It was just when we were getting the "Awww, isn't that sweet" moment in this particular episode, I thought it was a sign that he might be going home.

I thought I was losing Josh when he got those cheesy confessionals, and then I thought I was losing Missy at the end. No matter what, I'm not going to do worse than my hubby :P