
You remembered correctly! She's the one I roped back in describing Russell's antics in Samoa, which was apparently more amusing when I described it than watching it :-)

I was worried Josh was gone once they started giving him confessionals on his conservative Christian background and his abstinence…

Nobody who speaks German could possibly be an evil man!

I support this plan, because it means Missy might last longer as well and get me more points. :)

Funny, she doesn't look Drewish…

The number of people on the internet who can make these references keep dwindling as I get older, which gives me a sad. :-)

But he was volatile and unpredictable. Goats need to be steady and unwavering in their loyalty. John, previous bigotry aside, was never going to be that. Regardless of his past, he was not going to make a good goat the way he was playing.

Maybe it'll be Zeek, just not due to the heart condition….

Yep! Installed it last night. But it's going to bug me where she stashed it.

HA! I still want to go through my Wicked Playbills (yes, plural) and see if Reed was one of the monkeys…


Bravo, bassmanxvi. May your family member get further in the game now that you're gone

I wouldn't have recognized him by sight, but I definitely would know the name and why he's famous. I was at one of the first Mets/Braves games after it happened, but Rocker didn't come out…

we can only hope…

That would be f'ing brilliant… LOL

As a self-proclaimed musical theater fan, I understood and appreciated his analogy, but I am also a nerd…

My 15 month baby was playing with our ROKU remote, and we can't find it anywhere. Maybe she has the flint also in her stockpile…

He is too S-M-R-T for his own good

We had DVR issues, or I would have been in the running for that reference as well :)

One of my most prominent memories of 7th grade science was the teacher making us burn our own hair the first time we used bunsen burners so we'd know and recognize the smell of burnt hair. I never forgot that smell.. ha!