
Hey, they might have cheated on HER!

Anyone else think of the song "Turn it off" from "Book of Mormon?" Or am I more of a musical theater nerd than I thought?

So much cooler! I'll have to check my Wicked Playbills now… (and yes, that is plural, because I'm a musical theater nerd and I unapologetically love Wicked)

He's gotten worse in recent seasons. I used to enjoy the way he'd stir things up, but more or less leave the cast to create their own drama. Now he pretty much calls them out with zero attempt at subtlety.

During their pre-season interview they were asking them if they'd vote each other out. Missy said no, Baylor said yes. They totally want her to be another Ciera…

Family Drama. A Universal language. Please tell me your emotional shit so I can feel more normal about mine!

See, Samoa was the season that got be re-energized about survivor because Russell, as much of a self-entitled jerk as he was, was playing the game in a way we hadn't seen in a while. That was the season I started describing the episodes to my friend during lunch at work and I got HER re-hooked into survivor too ;)

I feel like Val could go either way… can't decide on her yet either.

My thought was that it was some kind of "key", that is necessary to find (or unlock) the actual idol.

I hope you're right about him being in on it with Baylor…

Me neither :) One of my top 5 all time survivor moments!

The car challenge? Hmmm, no, you're right…

Did people really think that? I remember those comments being repetitive and eye-roll worthy (kinda like Corrine in FvF2 and her obsession with "her gay") but I never considered it homophobic

Also, he might have pissed of Baylor in the process, who can use that as evidence towards the girls that he is not to be trusted.

I don't remember them being particularly BAD at challenges… The thing about TAR is that you can misinterpret the instructions or just happen to struggle with an obscure detail of a task, or just plain fail to notice something and that can be it for a challenge. The twinnies got pretty far in their first season, I

Ha, I was thinking about Jefra too when I chose between her and Missy. Jefra got me pretty far last time!

Hmmm, torn between Missy and Jaclyn. Missy seems like a Laura M character, who might not make it to the end because she's a threat, but could kill it in challenges post-merge. Jaclyn seemed friendly and inoffensive during her interview. I was kinda bored watching their video, which means she might fly under the radar

Hmmm, tough choice, but as a musical theater nerd, I'm going to have to go with Josh. He seems sociable and somewhat physically competent… here's hoping my other choices are still there on the flip side… :-)

We are casual Amazing Race fans, I didn't mind them too much because they seemed like genuinely fun people and I can relate to the sister dynamic, but it did get annoying whenever one of them was struggling and the other would just scream at them. @bassmanxvi:disqus couldn't stand them.

Oh wow, I didn't hear about Caleb. That is so sad.