
If not yet taken, my [somewhat hastily made choices] are:
Jon (as in not-Rocker)

Just finished listening earlier today — If I say nothing else I'd like to concur with @avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus that I, too, did not find LJ attractive. Especially on the jury, he really looked like crap…

I think they were bitter, but bitter about their circumstances rather than bitter directly at Tony. Tony seemed to genuinely get along with everybody until he voted them out as opposed to Russell who fought and antagonized people while they were on the island. I think they were able to separate the one act of betrayal

Pretty sure Cochran got a pretty cold reaction in South Pacific too. Looked brutal…

I'm just kidding… I'm just trying to justify a more thoughtful reason for Woo's crazy move :)

Yeah, I was asking about that last week and it almost happened! Ha!

[mrburns] Exxxx-cellent [mrburns]

There was a brief, brief moment where I thought I might win with Woo (since why WOULDN'T he take Kass). But the thought of him being the next Fabio left me feeling empty about the win, so I was almost glad it didn't happen that way ;)

That is one of my biggest pet peeves, when Jeff (or the contestants) talk about having a 1/N chance of winning survivor. It isn't a game of odds, people!

I was in denial when I heard that quote… denial I say!

Hahahaha me too!

Yeah, I noticed it too and chose to ignore it…. It was pretty disappointing and this coming from someone who has Woo on BOTH Fantasy teams…

I think Spencer's analysis for how he played the game differently than Tony (more cerebral) was pretty spot-on. It would have been interesting to see how Spencer would have fared had Kass not flipped, or had he been on the dominant pre-merge tribe. I think we might have seen more strategy had he been able to play

Bake him away, toys!

Just wanted to add that I was tempted to also suggest that Kass could probably beat J'Tia ;)

Thanks for having me, it was a lot of fun, and I was glad to help bring the average age of a podcast guest up ;)

That would have been AWESOME:

Survivor Fantasy League: Blood vs. Water

If @bassmanxvi finishes in the top 4, this might be your first husband/wife team in the championship league next season. If that doesn't win us geek badges, I don't know what does!

I think the landslide Spencer victory is a hell of a lot more likely than Woo keeping me up in the top 2… I'm predicting a 3rd place finish.