
Understandable mistake ;)

I agree that Tony's been killing it this season, but if Spencer manages to oust the very person who has been in control the whole game, he makes himself the most deserving winner. Even if he's annoying as hell ;)

Naw, I think for Tony, everything just manifests itself in more hyperactive brain activity and paranoia. Plus there was a comment from Trish about playing the game vs. being someone's mom?

That's why I have a hard time commenting this season… my phone hates disqus and disqus hates it (had me).

That would be f'ing awesome

I think it's certain she will. At first it seemed shocking, but placating Woo & Kass, portraying himself as goat material, will keep him until the final 3, possibly final 2 considering Kass's delusions of grandeur. Trish will get that. And there's no way in hell she's voting for Kass, that's for damn sure!

I understand the emotion involved, that's for sure (I'd be a blubbering mess as well, I'm sure), but I feel like the producers want to do this to make all the characters feel more "human", and as a viewer, it sometimes comes across as manipulative. We're only watching 1 hour a week, so the impact is lost on us.

And throwing things onto/into other things!

I think it's coming next week… why else would Tony of all people be crying?

It was more like: "Woo, *do* you have any thoughts?"

This. Bad writing can't be saved by the best actors. My prime example is Natalie Portman in the Star Wars prequels….

Kass didn't seem so horrible in the first episode…we were blinded by J'Tia.

Woo's cool with being your pawn. We're just gonna chill out and go where the tide of the game takes us

It just basically took away ANY suspense that Tony was at any risk of being voted out before the final 4. Which, to me, as someone who looks for an exciting week-to-week game vs. rooting for someone to dominate, was a MAJOR disappointment. Last week's episode was kinda dull and I suspect this coming week's might be

Agreed on both counts, except I find Tony entertaining as hell, and I don't really see the Phillip connection.

I, for one, appreciate the Frozen references. If I misquote this film, and any of its songs, I am QUITE sternly corrected by the resident pre-schooler in my house. I'm lucky she still lets me be her mom…

My husband joined the league this time around, so now we have something extra to be competitive about… heh. But since he picked Tony, who I guessed would be an early boot, he is kicking my ass ;)

Sounds more like they are setting up for a Sheldon freak out over things changing…

She's pretty terrible, but still stands above Colton & Brandon in my book..

I said "Of course…" and rolled my eyes. Glad he at least had the sense to not show it to anybody…