
I think I've said this before, but I think the big difference between Tony & Russell is that Tony isn't being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. He's playing hard, but with the exception of people like Kass who are LOOKING for ways to be offended, he's doing a good job of not making it seem personal. And

I was more disappointed in Woo. He should have said that they tried to convince them to vote Tony, and that he agreed to shut them up, but wasn't going to flip. Tony might still be paranoid enough to play the idol, but the story made LITERALLY no sense. Why would Spencer vote for Tasha?

Being an Aunt/Uncle is the best. All the cuteness and fun without the sleep deprivation….

re: Final 2: Oh I hope so, because that damn idol has kinda soured me on Tony, and it really isn't entirely Tony's fault

My Random & Sleep-deprived thoughts (Silly 10 month old is growing teeth and forgoing sleep in honor of their presence…):

Unless Woo's Rib Porn earns him points, I'm pretty sure I'm dropping to third…

Me too! *pout*

They needed a private scene for Ted, basically looking up and asking "permission" to move on, to mirror what the mother did for her [dead] former fiance. It would have gone a long way to show that Tracy truly WAS the love of his life, not just a placeholder and baby-factory to stand in for Robin. Plus, it's always

Yay for a mediocre player with ninja skills and a sore butt!

… Or we could not have an Idol that powerful at all. Problem solved ;)

Yep… We were positive tony was going to find it the second they showed him determined to find it. They wouldn't have spent the time on it otherwise…

I think I have a good shot of a top 4 finish, but my 2 players are NOT looking like final 3 material, or even final 5 material….

Yeah, Flipping Jefra would be their best bet. Kass is still too much of a loose canon

I tried to do numbers, but I was too tired and failed miserably. Brain no worky after 11pm…

I don't know, I don't see LJ holding a grudge. Tony didn't make it seem personal, and LJ himself was acutely aware of tony's paranoia and probably DOES see it as a compliment, not an insult


I can see him getting to 5 or 4, but I don't see him being in the final 3 for that exact reason — he hasn't done anything stupid, hasn't pissed anyone off really, hasn't made any big moves. Nobody will want to sit next to him.

You'll always have BOOBS to look back fondly upon… :)

Lucky 21 :)

I knew I loved Woo for a reason..and I think Jefra is slowly moving into prime goat territory. I don't see Woo taking the whole thing, but he might get me far…