
It was thoroughly entertaining to watch because nobody really had played like him before —- in fact, I was describing his antics to a friend of mine over lunch at work and got her back into watching the show!

Is LJ really getting that strong an edit? I feel like he's been totally under the radar for the past 2 episodes, aside from being the recipient of Tony's idol

Love Marshalls & TJMaxx! You can find some steals in the housewares section, plus inexpensive name-brand toys to give as birthday party gifts when you have a pre-schooler invited to like, 12 parties a year

Better yet, marry the plastic surgeon!

Yes and yes! I have very little time to comment, but I'm enjoying the podcast as well :)

I was impressed how he was able to swallow his pride with Kass, and recognize that he still needed her. That must have been REALLY tough

I have 2 young children so you'll still probably see it before me ;)

Cool, good to know!

Same here. I found the show interesting enough to keep watching, but obviously not without flaws. If anything, I'm bummed that a lot of the suspense from "The Winter Soldier" is gone, but I knew it was a risk when I watched the episode. Not in the stars for me to get to the theater anytime soon. Still enjoyed the

I have two young children so seeing "The Winter Soldier" in theaters is not in the cards for me. I knew there would be spoilers, but I was hoping not THAT big. Oh well. Hopefully it is still worth seeing when it comes out on Blu-ray…. very exciting episode nonetheless. :-)

I was 7/8 and my sister was a teenager. I was OBSESSED. My sister rolled her eyes and later became addicted to 90210. I am embarrassed how much I loved that show as a kid…

He was between a rock and a hard place by that point, it was the less "bad" bad choice.

And better yet… there were enough shenanigans that even the commercial promising "SHOCKING" events didn't spoil the ending.

I agree so much! It was a parallel that didn't hit me until he next morning and would have really brought much needed emotional closure to 9 seasons of hearing about this woman as the love of his life…

Or Battlestar Gallactica. Although that was really more of a slow death spiral…

Yeah, exactly. This is why when I thought about it the next morning, and thought more about the big picture, it felt like it made more sense. A person can have more than one love of their life, IMO

I wrote this last night re: the ending:

But she's not advocating a delayed schedule, she's bypassing them altogether. As a scientist, she, better than the average anti-vaxxer, should understand the importance of herd immunity to protecting the public, including her own kids.

*fist pump*

I dunno, he seemed in legitimate pain at the time. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think he was faking. But I guess this isn't America where you are innocent until proven guilty, this is Jeff Probst land ;-)