
Yeah, OK, I can see it being a potential legal issue, that kinda makes sense I suppose.

Yep, she is now in the Sherry position…

I'm beating my husband in the pick 4. And that's all that matters… :)

Nicely put. So true! That's why I want to smack Russell every time he talks about how he's such a great player. If you were such a great player, people would have voted for you, because being LIKED is part of the game, whether you think it should be or not.

Except those challenges almost ALWAYS even out by the puzzle, so it's still basically a puzzle challenge unless a team has a spectacular meltdown. Still fun to watch though :)

Forgive me if this has already been brought up (Haven't had time to read all the comments),but, other than the latter player being a complete asshole, what was the real difference between Lindsey's and Colton's quit? I ask because Jeff was COMPLETELY understanding and compassionate with Lindsey, whereas he completely

I think every Braverman interaction with Drew can be summed up as:

Nora also picked her nose during the baptism. Please tell me I wasn't the only one who noticed that!

Now I have this vision of a nuclear physicist with a crazy streak that just received a million dollars, and I'm a little bit scared…

He's playing hard, probably too hard, but he's not being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.

If it makes you feel any better, when listening to the podcast and you mentioned someone who couldn't win, I immediately said "Tony" for playing too hard… Although if he gets away with manipulating Sarah, his odds go up significantly…

That's pretty cool that he listened to it though!

Can I change out J'Tia & Garrett for Kass & Sarah?

I'd just like to say that my husband (who joined the pick 4 after listening to me talk about it last season) and I were watching HIMYM and there was a preview for Survivor that featured Morgan and this happened:

I agree with you that it's a factor, and a legitimate one, all other things being equal. The energy and enthusiasm of the skater DOES come out in their confidence, their security, their edging, etc. But I don't think judges should be able to ignore legitimate technical flaws just 'cause another skater seemed to have

Yes, she did skate first, but the system was an ordinal system so although they had to leave room, they would have lowered the later scores if they felt a later skater was not as good. The disadvantage was the energy level… Michelle's more ethereal program didn't have as much punch 40minutes later when the judges were

I won't argue that Michelle was all there that night… she had the misfortune of peaking at nationals, leaving her with a nearly impossible standard and pressure to top that for the Olympics. Tara had no fear, no pressure, and that definitely Worked in her favor, as it did for Sarah Hughes in 2002.

Kwan didn't choke in1998, she skated a clean program, arguable with less passion than her nationals win that year, and less difficult than Lipinski due to a stress fracture. I would still argue that Kwan deserved the win, though, due to her superior technique alone, and 1/3 of the judging panel agreed.

I thought it was a riveting final group of skaters, and without knowing the exact breakdown of the scoring, the results seemed reasonable. But if what I'm hearing is true, that Soknikova received maximum points for a flawed combination? Grrrr. Skating is DIFFICULT as hell, extremely athletic, and doesn't need the

"But even there, cohesion can be as important as brains. Many teams have fallen apart at puzzles because of arguments and such."