
He was the absolute bottom of my [quickly formed] list that I jotted out on notepad. Looked like such a douche…

Sheldor took my choice (Alexis) so I'm going with Jefra… Both my champion picks are in my pick 4 so I'm either going to kick major ass in both leagues or go down in both. Ha!

I was debating between J'Tia and Woo for my first choice, I got a good impression from her too (at least from the bio… I haven't had time to watch the videos)

Could we up the team immunity win to 3 points. and 2nd place to 2 points? Maybe weights the pre-merge half a bit immunity heavy, but I'd imagine (never really analyzed the points) that post merge is often dominated by the eventual top 3, might make things a bit more interesting?

He was at the top of my list, mostly for the funny answers on the bio. Maybe it's the poker player background, but he strikes me as someone who is pretty self-aware and knows when to be aggressive vs. go under the radar

Yay! I'm going to go for Yung Woo. He looks like he's smart and will be able to keep his cool and duck under the drama. I didn't watch videos, so I'm going purely off bios here. This is going to be fun :)

If I MUST pick, I'd say cage, because if it wasn't for twitter, I would have probably missed the draft this time.

Okay, okay, I'm here to bludgeon you all with references to bad 80's movies??

Based on a quick perusal of the bios, I'm going to go for:
Garrett, J'Tia, Jefra, and Yung Woo

Don't make me pick, I'm just here to make friends!

I'm in! Just let me know what I have to do…. I am a full-time child-wrangler who plays violin on the side, with a concert this weekend, so my schedule's a bit wacky..

You can use twitter for me since I trust disqus as far as I can digitally throw it…

When I met my husband, he had a goatee and shaved it off a month later. He told me how he shaved half of it at a time just for fun :P

Woohoo! My last minute, newborn-induced sleep deprived choices paid off. I was in a pretty good spot because it was looking to be either Ciera or Tyson winning. Thanks for running this again, @judgereinhold - makes it even more fun :)

That's why I was thinking there was a possibility that Gervase might have swapped, if Tyson didn't win immunity at the final 4. He could try to argue that this was his plan all along, letting Tyson think he was running the show and then turning on him at the end. Would have made a much better narrative than "Trust

What's the extra b for?

It could be worse… they could have given them unusual spellings too..

I dunno, if Tyson hadn't won the last immunity, you don't think Gervase would have turned on him?

I was really hoping that Tina & Ciera would figure out that Tyson had the idol and would in all likelihood give it to Gervase… and then change their votes to Monica. Then, if Monica had switched to Gervase, we would have had a 2-2 tie…. I never for a second thought Monica would switch, but that would have been

As long as you don't ruin my chances!