
BTW I think that was the first time I ever wrote "w00t"

W00t, I might qualify! Don't let me down, Ciera! At least until Tyson wins the whole thing ;)

We can only hope….

I said something similar… I think my husband wants to get a disqus account and join the pick 4 league next season;)

The irony is that I usually don't get a chance to post until the morning, so all I can say is Pbbbbbbbt! :)

My husband and I just watched Ponderosa and no, the jury was definitely put off by him yelling at them like that. No way Gervase wins… I'd be shocked if he got a vote from anybody

That would be thoroughly entertaining, but I don't see a scenario where that happens short of Ciera going on an immunity run, and we all know how likely that is..

Yep. I think Ciera and the RI returnee have a better chance swaying Gervase with this argument than Monica ( especially since we can assume that Tyson is safe next week). But then again, Gervase has this inflated sense of importance that will probably keep him loyal to Tyson. I fully expect him to yell at the

If Laura B. wins redemption island that would be *really* impressive, considering she already lost a few weeks ago ;)

I'm with Emma… But both deserve points for hilarity and making me laugh aloud at the risk of waking 2 kidlets

Maybe if he was a porn star…

I agree… The odds are not in Ciera's favor, but with her lack of challenge strength, 4th place was a sure thing. I'd have spun the wheel too in her position

Protect the queen!

I wondered if he was going to pull a Caleb and say "I'm voting for X" in attempts to impulsively sway Monica.

I've got one (Aras) but I tend to doubt he's coming back based on the edit Vytas is getting. I'm surprised Katie & Ciera are doing as well as they have!

Tied for 5th! I feel like I'm sneaking my way into the cool kids' table…

Yeah, I lost Aras. I thought he'd be more self-aware, especially as a former winner. We'll see what happens on Redemption, though. I think the entire production team will have a collective orgasm if Vytas winds up dueling Aras on Redemption though… heh

"I kind of thought he got the happiest ending of any character in any Whedon show, ever. And Kartheiser completely sold that to me, in the end."

"My friend started watching Buffy a couple weeks ago and just got to S3 the other day. I was watching an episode with her and Wes was almost unrecognizable."

Katie, I think. I thought Tina would be targeted early on like she was in the first AllStars..