
I once made the mistake in college of breaking fast for Yom Kippor at Denny's with greasy fried food. It wasn't pretty for any of us ;-)

She strikes me as somebody who has always had people like her for superficial reasons and probably suffers from chronic low self-esteem.

Hey, I'm just glad my mother stopped "netscaping" to the internet.

All I could think about is how much havoc it would cause on their digestive systems… I LOVE fried chicken, but I can never eat it without feeling sick afterwards. I'm pretty sure the last time I had it was when I was 8 months pregnant & had a craving, and even then I regretted it later… ;-)

…. but… but…… then you might risk some of your newfound friends!

I think it was just the editors trying to hype up the possibility that Hayden might be stupid enough to take her place… Eye-roll worthy, nevertheless.

It was surprisingly interesting with loved one factor, but considering we only have 2 pairs left, they really shouldn't have it post-merge. They should transition to reward challenges which have the whole "who do I take with me?" dilema. There are good, interesting players left in the game, RI is just totally

Tina's been a delight to watch. See, producers? Good, clever, witty people are SOOOOO much better than creepy, crazy ones.

Does Farmville still exist? I blocked those games YEARS ago.. (Although I will sadly admit to having a strange addiction to crushing candy..)

Yep, exactly what I'm thinking….(re: Tina wanting Vytas to stay).

The only thing I could think of re: voting Laura vs. Vytas is that with a merge coming, Laura would IN A SECOND flip to another vote, since she got SO emotionally attached to Vytas in such a short amount of time.

And now that we're merging next week, Ciera's stock goes up as probably the top pick for final 3 goat! I think Aras and Tyson might still serve me well, although I think Tyson's edit is a bit too arrogant and he might go down soon… Stay strong Tyson! Don't vote yourself out no matter HOW APPEALING it sounds!

I think I want to see an all winners season just to watch Russell bitch about how it can't include him, the best player EVUH!

It looks like he really plays the piano too, which gives him extra points in my book. I'm glad the character is no longer just delivering creepy sexual 1 liners, because I really couldn't stand Howard in the first few seasons, whereas now Sheldon is the character annoying me most.

They are bumming me out, probably because there was a time in my life where I put up with a lot of crap from a guy because I was that lonely. Last week's episode just left me kinda depressed, even though it's 10+ years later and I'm happily married with 2 kids

True! I have Tyson & Aras, and Ciera might outlast them both in hindsight. I actually need to look up my 4th, it might have been Katie? i still have sleep-deprived new-mom brain going on…

identical triplets… who are just on the show to make friends

I don't remember that season, but I didn't watch for the period between Australia & All-Stars (e.g. when I was in college) so maybe it was then?

I don't recall any of the religious castmembers being THAT bad, but I'd imagine it's a good idea to cooperate more to solidify tribe loyalty and connections with specific people (and possibly prey off the faith/loyalty connection). Plus, people whose religion says not to gossip are sometimes the most gossipy people I

… And it's more or less harmless or strategic assholery. That's why Colton's antics just made me so uncomfortable… It was mean for the sake of being mean. Tyson's cracking me up this season… (And not just because he's in my pick 4)