
I moved up a lot, effectively tied for 8th…. But I still think Ciera will be my downfall…

I wonder if they'd do something like "Anyone who wants to switch tribes can do so now"… which of course would stir up some loyalty issues.

Yeah, that's what I meant…. once the loved ones won the challenge (which I predicted once they fixated on the girls complaining about sitting the challenge out), I was pretty much able to deduce that the person voted out would be whoever was being discussed that WASN'T Laura B.

Cochran had a ton of previews last season indicating that he was " on the outs", so I'm hoping that's what's going on with Aras this time

Once they showed the two girls getting miffed about sitting out, I was pretty sure they were going to lose…

The ads on tv this week saying " SOMEONE WILL BE BLINDSIDED" kinda killed the suspense for me. Thanks Obama!

I have a 4 month old infant with reflux that hates to nap. The Crosby scenes hit close to home. It borders on cliche to have the " baby won't stop crying" storyline, but it's so rare to have a character admit how hard it really is, and the lack of connection to the baby, especially when they are a newborn and

You guys have a podcast? You are such nerds and I love you all! (or I'm just in a good mood because the baby napped more than 20 minutes…)

Those daughters are going to be the end of me… I still have high hopes for Aras, and maybe even Tyson…. Either way, this is looking like a fun season. I'm not even hating Redemption Island as much….. As much…

When I first read the title on the DVR, I thought "man, the producers a desperate if they are giving survivors weaponry"

If you can think of a better way, I'd like to hear it!

Okay here are my picks based in a foggy memory and a sleep-deprived state of mind:

Nice, thanks for the update! Baby's not a good napper, so I'll look at the roster and give you my names by tomorrow, I hope.

Dang, I missed the summons! Those are the breaks when you have a newborn and a 3YO… Not reading avclub as much. If anyone drops out, let me know! Otherwise I'll see ya'll in the comments section when I can. The baby is *starting* to sleep longer stretches so I may resemble a human being again soon…:)

Unless, maybe, you were on a break…

I feel like when it's on TV, the title in the guide says "The one where Monica gets a Roommate".

Yeah, I hope so too! For a comedy, HIMYM has been surprisingly on point on some of the truths of relationships & parenting. For example, Lily's admission of sometimes wishing she wasn't a mother hit me HARD, as someone who had post-partum depression after my daughter was born.

See, when I see a movie first, I spent the whole time reading the book trying to sync up with what I remember from the movie. It completely killed the original Jurassic Park book, and the first Lord of the Rings for me.  Unless the tv/movie adaptation is well known as a marked improvement over the book, I always have

I think the idea is that Ted *thinks* Robin is the love of his life, and it takes meeting the *real* love of his life to finally break free of that obsession. Not that the mother is him settling for the next best thing now that Robin is off the market.

This Jew did: Sat nights are expensive, so we did Sunday around 11 so we could do outdoor photos in the AM