
@JudgeReinhold:disqus , will you continue the "Pick 4" league next season? Since I doubt I'm "qualifying" for the elite group, I'm happy being in the "Everybody's a Winner" group ;-)

I usually don't check up on Twitter, but strangely enough I did yesterday and I was surprised how many people were filled with hatred for Dawn, but none for Cochran or Erik. They all made the same choice. Yes, Dawn fished out Brenda's teeth, but if you think it was a shitty move, it wasn't THAT much shittier than

The preview made it look like Cochran is in "trouble", so I'm hoping it's a nice misdirect and that his biggest worry is potentially drowning in a sea of Dawn's tears…

Just imagine if all the challenges were throwing things at other things… Reynold would still be with us!

Yeah, I think Erik has a decent chance, despite getting a quiet edit early on…

You can even argue that as equalized as the weight-bearing challenges are, they still favor men because they are inherently built with a height percentage of body mass devoted to muscle. Nothing is ever utterly & completely equal, and that's fine as long as there's a decent variety of challenge types

Exactly what I was getting at… Brenda was a threat in Andrea's eyes only, so the big push was very one sided and suspicious…

I disagree: especially now that Mad Men is well into the late 60s, they point out the changes in men's fashion as well. it's just not nearly as dramatic as the women's fashion since the men are in suits 3/4 of the time. It's hard to link character changes to that, although TLo have pointed out things like how

My husband has a soft spot for his mother, and tends to defend her over almost everything. He's an only child, and thus the Prince of the family. I don't recall Richard having any siblings, but I can't say this dynamic is shocking to me in any way.

Since she's essentially a stranger to Lorelei and Rory after all these years, she genuinely doesn't think she can offer anything else… it's a really sad moment for Emily, IMO.

Mine too :). Maybe our phones think we Have a thing for aluminum foil or something?

Brenda is far less of a challenge threat than Eddie or Erik, and neither of them had pissed anyone off either. That's why Andrea zeroing in on Brenda was a huge tell that she wasn't trustworthy and was planning a blindside of her own alliance. I thought it was awesome that Cochran picked up on it —- plus, for once,

Cochran is on my short list of tv/film personalities that I don't have a crush on, but I want to hang out with and have a drink with on weekends. Also on that list is Daniel Radcliffe (who has become an endearing theater nerd), & Joss Whedon

Yeah, it was similar to the mistake Corinne made… Jumping ahead too far with the scheming. Plus, I don't think anyone was buying that Brenda was that much more of a challenge threat than Erik or Eddie. It came across very self-serving and Cochran was dead on for spotting that she was trying to protect her "goat" for

I wasn't sure if Erik was making fun of someone in that clip, but it looked like real tears….

I dunno… Cochran was getting a bit of a cocky edit too thus episode, plus the confessional on dropping out of the challenge (to the ire of his alliance). I'm starting to worry about him

I like the way you think, my friend… :)

I was predicting Brenda's demise last week, so I'm with @judgereinhold on this one…. But maybe she'll be the second ouster, after Reynold (if he manages to beat the challenge king…. Er… Cochran)

Except for Brenda…. Her edit is still hopeless…

Never thought about that. I guess Lorelai/Richard was just so much more devastating since the stakes were higher, the pain involved deeper