
I don't think the show's oblivious to Lorelai's flaws, but Lorelai is. I think the fact that viewers are growing up and interpreting the characters in different ways is a testament to the amazing depth of the characters & the writing in general.

From what I understand, they had a good 8 (?) collections shown b/c of decoys, and thy didn't allow the designers to introduce their collection. So I was curious how they filmed/edited it to appear like thy walked the runway with their collections, with a full house watching….

True… But it would have been closer ;)

Dawn has a good back story, but multiple people have confided in her and immediately were voted out, which leads to a bitter jury. She's a great person to take to the end

Yes, I was saying the same thing about Andrea: She's made a lot of decisions without LOOKING like she's making the decisions, which puts her in a good jury position if she makes the final. Unlike Dawn, who openly betrayed people's trust and will have a meltdown in front of a bitter jury should she make it.

@craig I had a friend in college who was deathly allergic and would rant about creating his own religion with the sole dietary restriction of no peanuts, so that way in a thousand years, wars would be fought over peanut butter. Hmmmm….is that you?

I know! I wasn't fast enough posting. :)

Because we're NERDS. Group hug anybody?

I make my husband brush his teeth after he eats some if he wants to be within 5 feet of me. The smell makes me sick. He was convinced (aka secretly hoping) that when I got pregnant that would be my crazy craving…. He was WRONG

Yes! My husband and I majorly geeked out on the Monty Hall comment. :)

Yeah, I think you're spot on. Unlike some people *cough* Russell *cough*, they recognize tht you simply can't win if the jury hates you. Sherri in particular probably recognizes that she is probably better suited to climb the favorites totem pole than the bro alliance one… Especially considering she has less than

Phillip's speech will be all about how great he is and how getting voted off was part of his master plan all long.

My husband and I are such nerds, we had to pause the tv when Cochran called Eddie's "dilemma" during the auction the Monty Hall Problem to yell at how it was NOT the Monty Hall problem b/c Jeff didn't reveal the coconut before making him choose. I then tweeted this to Cochran and got into a debate with a stranger on

@JudgeReinhold:disqus Sadly, I don't remember —  I remember being in some kind of huge warehouse with lots of food and lots of people. It was a party!

That's my theory too…. Andrea will get paranoid, Brenda will try to make a "big move" (tm), will likely seal her fate by talking to Dawn, and then that's that.

There are things I don't like about Dean, but I don't get why longing for a super-traditional (be it, outdated) family dynamic makes him such a bad person.  The point is that, if the wife likes/wants to cook for her husband and "take care of him" the way a 50's wife was expected to, what is the harm?  I said in

I think that's why it "got" to Rory so much — because feminism (at least to me) is not necessarily defined as women doing everything that men do, but having the CHOICE to do everything that men can do.  That's why I don't really associate myself with modern feminism because I don't always want the traditionally

Hahahahaha, I'm never going to be able to look at them the same way again ;-)

Same with Kirk, IMO

Some random trivia: John Vickery originated the role of "Scar" in the Broadway production of The Lion King. Considering I only got into B5 about 5 years ago, and I've always been a Broadway nerd, this amused me greatly :-)