
Malcolm was definitely enjoying watching this episode on twitter:

That would be epic ;)

There's a difference between "weird" and "batshit crazy" ;-)

I didn't think he told anybody, but I'm curious now… someone ask him on twitter :)

I think she was just hysterical, I don't think it actually affected her vision.

I said to my husband… Corinne's probably still pissed she missed it, but she was probably cheering louder than ANYONE about how Phillip went out.

Andrea was as much in control as Phillip, but she's significantly more paranoid about it, so it'll be interesting indeed…

I think it was the fear of being trapped and unable to come up for air when you needed it, which is a bit different.  I think Phillip's nuts, but I sympathize with fears based in childhood trauma. It's Survivor, not Fear Factor.

That looked like sheer panic to me…

That's probably my most quoted Survivor Line Ever… :-)  Complete with Eliza Eyes (TM)

Did anyone else notice how Jeff almost misspelled "Phillip" in the first place? He said something like "Two L's and One P… (on either end)".

She'd totally "Amanda" herself at a final tribal council. She pretty much tattles on anyone who tries to convince her to flip, and that won't be forgotten.  The only person I could MAYBE see voting for her is Phillip, but that's assuming Cochran isn't sitting next to her.

I thought it was a bad idea at first, but in hindsight it was pretty smart, shaking up the other alliance. The more I read about the idea of having told them it was Andrea (instead of Phillip) the more I like that idea too… would have been extra devious.

I only recall Brenda… very telling. I suspect she tries to organize ousting Andrea, and wounds up going home instead. Clearly Brenda is not getting a final-3 edit, so it's a matter of time.

Forget hindsight — RIGHT as he spoke up, I was saying to my husband "Malcolm's trying to convince them to change their vote so he can attempt to keep one of the idols, that's the ONLY reason for him to make the reveal BEFORE the vote". And then Erik pretty much said it. The funniest part for me was that when he

The show portrays her as some kind of broadway revelation & breakout star, but McPhee clearly doesn't have broadway chops. I have nothing against her, but she's horribly miscast, and people are going to notice, rightfully so.

So sorry for you & your friends :(

Pregnancy weeks start with the date of the woman's last menstrual cycle, not conception. So if she conceived on/around Christmas, that's approx. 2 weeks into an average cycle, and another 4 weeks puts her right at the end of January for 6 weeks gestation. It works.

The most disappointing thing about this season thus far is that Pete Campbell has NOT been punched in the face yet

Cool congrats! :-)