
I always liked Max as a character, but there just wasn't enough chemistry between the characters. Kinda like Lauren Graham and Jason Ritter in "Parenthood". Good character, boring TV relationship.

And the Spontaneous Dance numbers are SO much more effective than Spontaneous singing (You hear that, Glee?)

That's what I like about the show. The heroine is clearly flawed and not just a victim of circumstances.

Holy Crap, I think my head just exploded…

Love TLo!  They do fantastic recaps of Mad Men episodes themselves, which are great companions to the ones here.  Great comment sections on both, might I add.

Michelle probably should win, which if we factor in any of the past 3-4 seasons, means she won't. I'm not a grungy/edgy person in terms of style, but I really appreciated her work this season.

Ehhhh, yes & no. Dawn running to Phillip & switching to Corinne hardly qualifies as a big move to me as much as a smart one. I'm looking for something more dramatic ;)

Love this plan! Plus, Cochran has been talking about a big move for HOW long?

Bite your tongue, @CountBulletsula:disqus

I agree about the townspeople… particularly people like Kirk and Taylor. By the time we got to seasons 5 and 6, I felt like they kept having to out-quirk previous seasons with crazier and crazier antics that we were supposed to believe everyone in the town accepted as normal. Plus, I get that the whole town adored

What I love about this show is that it is very rare that Lorelai or Emily are depicted as being unequivocally in the right (or in the wrong). They are both flawed, and the arguments are as such. So interesting that we can watch these episodes years later and relate to different characters than we did when it was first

I didn't mind the fact that Rory quit Yale, explored the DAR stuff, etc.  Rory's meltdown felt VERY real to me, as someone who always did well in school, but felt kind of directionless (at times) when it comes to the prospects of real life & the real world.  I thought it was cleverly played out, how, even though

This is #2 so the joke's really on my 3yo ;)

Ha, nope just busy gestating and waiting for a 3hr glucose test. But a few people in the waiting room stopped & stared for a second. 1:15 and 2 more blood draws to go. Know any good jokes?

You just made me crack up at the OB/GYN office. Thought you'd like to know ;)

I think you're mostly spot on, but I think there's one more piece of it — the way she clings to the idea that she's not just Rory's mother, she's Rory's best friend. So the idea that Rory wouldn't run and tell her the second it happens (for which the first seed was planted in this kiss episode) played into that

What I was hoping would happen, but knew wouldn't:

Yeah, I was rooting for Russel too that season, but he lost me after the season was over when he kept insisting that something was wrong with the GAME for not allowing him to win. Sorry, buddy, but actually being able to convince people to vote for you to win *is* and *always has been* part of the game.  It really

Based on editing, I'd say Andrea is in a much better position than Brenda, who has been extremely passive. At least we see Andrea TALKING strategy (which isn't to say Brenda isn't, but I'm sure if she was a more important player, they'd give her a BIT more screen time)

That's awesome! I just tweeted him to come and say hi ;-)  He should create a fake name and make wacky predictions that all come true (and some that don't, just to mess with us)