
No, I get her here. There was genuine fear at play with the Brandon situation. Nobody wanted to poke the bee-hive anymore…

But is "boring" a reason to vote someone out? I don't have any strong feelings about Corinne, but that had me raise an eyebrow

Yeah, with 20/20 hindsight I'd agree. The "middle management" analogy wasn't helpful. But I think Phillip thought he was going to be this season's "Coach" to Brandon, but his lack of awareness on how he was coming off had the opposite effect that he intended.

Yes, this.

Yeah, I think my strong reaction to Colton was partially due to my personal experiences being bullied as a kid.  Colton picked someone he didn't like and was thoroughly viscous  with the intent of hurting that person. A girl I was really close to in high school tried to kill herself (later found out she was bi-polar,

I don't think Phillip treated Brandon very well, but I think you lose the sympathy card when your response is violent and unhinged like that. It's like the "she asked for it" excuse of a rapist. People being aggressive & condescending & manipulative is part of survivor, and love or hate Phillip's

I agree on the producers. They should have known better, this wasn't just some random contestant auditioning on the street. There's a history there.

It felt genuine to me too, but I recognize that he might be just trying to cover his ass about the accusations that are inevitably going to come in about exploiting mental illness. I tend to believe him, though. Mostly…

Yeah, Phillip has been condescending (not as much for the nicknames, but the "middle management" lecture he gave Brandon). But Colton was just plain NEEDLESSLY cruel and nasty. That's the big difference for me. Someone like Phillip you can at least roll your eyes at. But does anyone actually think he'll win? Does

It doesn't matter if I agree with him about Phillip's flaws or his gameplay, there is no excuse for the dangerous & violent behavior that had his tribe-mates SCARED for what he was going to do next. Phillip was trying to let Brandon cool off, and Brandon kept instigating things. Brandon was the one who was taking the

Sorry, there is no excuse for freaking out violently. His tribemates looked genuinely scared.

Yeah, that's what I thought too.  Jeff had a look on his face kinda like "Hey, who's running this show? How many Emmy's have YOU got?"

I'm not a counselor or anything close, but Brandon seemed to be pretty good at putting on the charm when he was calm and in control of things. I don't find it THAT hard to believe that he could pass a psych evaluation. That being said, based on his PRIOR experience on the show, coupled with the fact that all of the

Apparently all the survivors go to the psychiatrist before they do anything else, according to Jeff.

There's still a HUGE difference between the kinds of "crazy" on display here. I still claim that Phillip's issues are mostly harmless in a delusional kind of way, whereas Brandon was scary & dangerous.

Eh, maybe, but he's mostly harmless about it. As others have mentioned, he's self-absorbed, narcissistic, and has delusions of grandeur, but it's friggin' Survivor — if that's the game you want to play, there's nothing wrong with that.  If you want to try to call the shots for the tribe, you can do it at the risk of

I kinda felt scared for his wife after the whole MaKayla thing last time. I mean, he basically rationalized that her existence & beauty were responsible for his reprehensible behavior. It just cries out domestic violence to me, especially if he's married and in a position to feel like his wife is his "possession".  It

According to an interview with Jeff, nothing was scripted/planned for how things would go ahead of time.  He had a microphone to communicate with the audio team to indicate that security might be necessary if things got physical, but pretty much Jeff was calling the shots on the spot

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus That's very true, but if Broadway shows were included in the cost of my basic cable package, I'd be seeing shows every weekend (I live 45-min away from NYC). I think a lot more people would enjoy broadway shows if they were more affordable/accessible (e.g. not just in